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    2024-2033 Minnesota Drinking Water Action Plan Community Engagement Feedback Report
    (2024-03-01) Mahr, Heron
    The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is developing a ten-year Drinking Water Action Plan that will guide Minnesota’s drinking water management from 2024-2033. The aim of this plan is to regulate safe and reliable drinking water supplies throughout Minnesota, with an emphasis on equitable access. The Drinking Water Action Plan is being created with input from drinking water professionals and consumers. This report details the feedback collected from consumers during community engagement sessions across the state. The objective of these sessions was to further water equity in Minnesota by gathering public opinions through survey questions and engaged dialogue.
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    Lessons from Drinking Water Professionals: An Assessment of Drinking Water Governance in Minnesota
    (2023-12) Calow, Peter; Lewandowski, Marcelle
    Drinking water is life-giving, essential, and finite. Its management is messy, complex, and far-reaching. In 2022, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announced that it would be developing a statewide drinking water plan to guide the management of drinking water over the next ten years. To inform the development of that plan, MDH also chose to conduct an assessment of the current governance of systems impacting drinking water in order to identify challenges and opportunities in the systems themselves which the statewide plan could address. This report summarizes the input received from focus group conversations and a survey with drinking water professionals based on an established set of criteria known as the Governance Assessment Framework.
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    The Future of Minnesota Drinking Water: A Framework for Managing Risk
    (2020-02) Calow, Peter; Lewandowski, Ann; Levers, Lucia; Kirby, Eileen
    The charge for this report was to identify opportunities for the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to better manage risks to Minnesota’s drinking water. In addition to examining literature and experience in other jurisdictions, our recommendations are informed by ten discussions with a panel of research and policy experts, and a panel of stakeholders including representatives of large and small community utilities, the water technology industry, state agencies, and well owners.
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    Review of the Minnesota Department of Health Contaminants of Emerging Concern Program Process for Selecting Chemicals
    (University of Minnesota Water Resources Center, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, 2016) Lewandowski, Ann; Kelley, Steve
    The University of Minnesota reviewed the process used by the Minnesota Department of Health’s Contaminants of Emerging Concern (MDH CEC) program to select chemicals to develop health-based guidance values. The reviewers concluded that the CEC program staff use a process that is overall thoughtfully developed, scientifically sound, and justifiable; however it is inadequately explained to stakeholders and could be refined to be clearer. A larger group of stakeholders around the state should be engaged to help identify chemicals of concern and needs for guidance values.