Newsletters to Parents (1923-1973)

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"Minnesota Chats" was published weekly, monthly, and then quarterly by the University as an "informal report of its activities" for parents of University students and in later years was also shared with community members with special interest in University programs and issues. It was published from May 1923 to summer 1956.

In fall 1956, "Minnesota Chats" became "Reports from Your University of Minnesota" with a wider scope of content containing "more news about the important research and service projects of the University, the vital and diverse ways in which work done at the U enriches the lives of the peoples of the communities of the Twin Cities, the state, the nation - and such far-off places as Korea and India" as noted in the last issue of "Minnesota Chats," summer 1956.

"Reports from Your University of Minnesota" was published quarterly by the Department of University Relations for parents of students and "members of groups which are working on special projects with the U or are otherwise intimately connected with the University." It was published from fall 1956 to winter 1969.

With the September 1969 issue, the publication's name was changed to "A Report to Parents."

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