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    The General College Vision: Integrating Intellectual Growth, Multicultural Perspectives, and Student Development
    (University of Minnesota: Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, 2005) Lundell, Dana B.; Higbee, Jeanne L.; Arendale, David R.
    The impetus for this book is derived in part by explaining what it is that we do and to discern future directions for this work. It is also driven by definitions ascribed to our work, that is,“developmental education” and an even newer vision and vocabulary for the future that captures the integration of a variety of theories, pedagogies, and evaluation measures that fully support diverse and rapidly changing student populations. Given the demographic shift in Minnesota’s population, the authors in this book have expressed an imperative that we look centrally at the experiences of the learner in higher education through a different set of lenses if we are to be successful in preparing all learners.
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    Curriculum Transformation and Disability: Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education
    (University of Minnesota: Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, 2003) Higbee, Jeanne L.
    The purpose of this book is to introduce readers to the concepts of Universal Design (UD) and Universal Instructional Design (UID). This collection of essays addresses learning both within and outside the classroom, recognizing the role higher education plays in developing the “whole” person (American Council on Education, 1937, 1949; National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 1989). Chapters authored by faculty members are intended to provide insights into teaching strategies that can be implemented in a variety of disciplines. It is hoped that these ideas will be helpful to both disabilities services staff members and faculty when exploring how to create universal learning experiences. Similarly, concepts introduced in the student affairs section of this book can be applied to multiple student services.