Stacie Traill

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    Book Review: Ethical Questions in Name Authority Control
    (Library Resources & Technical Services, 2019) Traill, Stacie
    Review of Ethical Questions in Name Authority Control, edited by Jane Sandberg (Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2019), published in Library Resources & Technical Services.
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    Setting a Direction for Discovery: A Phased Approach
    (IGI Global, 2012) Fransen, Jan; Friedman-Shedlov, Lara; Theis-Mahon, Nicole; Traill, Stacie; Boudewyns, Deborah K. Ultan
    While many other academic libraries are currently or have recently faced the challenge of setting a new direction for their discovery platforms, the University of Minnesota is perhaps unique in its phased approach to the process. In the spring of 2011, the University of Minnesota Libraries appointed a Discoverability task force to identify a Web-scale discovery solution, the third phase in the Discoverability research process. Discoverability 3 Task Force members are now synthesizing the work of two previous phases and other relevant internal and external analyses to develop requirements and selection criteria for the solution. Some of these requirements and criteria are standard for any large-scale system implementation. Others were derived from the findings of the previous two phases of the Discoverability project. The authors discuss the Libraries’ phased approach to developing a vision for discovery and selecting a solution that puts the Libraries on a path to fulfilling that vision.
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    Discoverability: Investigating the Academic Library's Changing Role in Connecting People to Resources
    (2011-10-12) Fransen, Jan; Boudewyns, Deborah K. Ultan; Hanson, Cody; Hessel, Heather; Friedman-Shedlov, Lara; Traill, Stacie
    In October 2008, a small group at the University of Minnesota Libraries set out to explore the concept of discoverability of the Libraries’ resources. Commissioned by the Web Services Steering Committee, the group identified trends in user behavior and analyzed data available from library systems and used the results to develop a set of principles. These principles are helping to guide the Libraries’ strategic decisions as they relate to discovery. This case study describes how the group performed its analysis, identifies questions and issues uncovered in the process, and provides examples of how the guiding principles have affected planning and analysis throughout the Libraries.
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    Discoverability Phase 2 Final Report
    (2011-02-04) Hanson, Cody; Hessel, Heather; Boudewyns, Deborah K. Ultan; Fransen, Jan; Friedman-Shedlov, Lara; Hearn, Stephen; Theis-Mahon, Nicole; Morris, Darlene; Traill, Stacie; West, Amy
    The Discoverability Phase 2 group was charged in spring 2010 to generate a vision for the University Libraries’ discovery environment. In addition, the group was asked to build on the work of Phase 1 (see the Phase 1 report here:, addressing some of the practical implications of decentralized discovery by recommending strategies for making local collections discoverable in external systems, and for integrating remotely-managed data into the local discovery environment.
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    Discoverability Phase 1 Final Report
    (2009-03-13) Hanson, Cody; Hessel, Heather; Barneson, John; Boudewyns, Deborah K. Ultan; Fransen, Jan; Friedman-Shedlov, Lara; Hardy, Martha; Rose, Chris; Stelmasik, Barb; Traill, Stacie
    In October 2008, the Web Services Steering Committee at the University of Minnesota Libraries created the Discoverability exploratory subgroup, charged to recommend ways to make relevant resources more visible and easier to find, particularly within the user’s workflow. This report shares the findings of Phase 1, in which the primary activity was data‐gathering and analysis. Phase 2 of the group’s work will take the discovery principles identified here and recommend specific strategies for the future. The report consists of four main sections. The first section is a brief description of the process and methodology. The second is a discussion of five key trends related to discovery that were identified in the literature, including a description of how each trend is reflected in current use of local systems. The third section contains a set of suggested principles to guide future decisions related to discovery. Finally, we have collected and analyzed usage data from many of our local systems. These reports are collected in our fourth section and are summarized in “A Month of Library Discovery”. We have also included specific recommendations regarding future data‐gathering and analysis. Our appendices include a copy of the group’s charge, a review of discovery principles at peer institutions, and a set of web statistics reports for the University Libraries’ many websites.