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Item 2021 Postsecondary Peer Cooperative Learning Programs: Annotated Bibliography(2021-01-31) Arendale, David RThis annotated bibliography does not attempt to be inclusive of this broad field of literature concerning peer collaborative learning. Instead, it is focused intentionally on a subset of the educational practice that shares a common focus with increasing student persistence towards graduation. At the end of this overview, several suggestions are made for differentiating the models from each other and the level of institutional resources and resolve with implementing them. The seven student peer learning programs included in this bibliography meet the following characteristics: (a) implemented at the postsecondary or tertiary level; (b) clear set of systematic procedures for its implementation that could be replicated by another institution; (c) program evaluation studies have been conducted and are available for review; (d) intentionally embeds learning strategy practice along with review of the academic content material; (e) outcomes include increased content knowledge, higher final course grades, higher pass rates, and higher college persistence rates; and (f) the program has been replicated at another institution with similar positive student outcomes. From a review of the professional literature, six programs emerged: (a) Accelerated Learning Groups (ALGs), (b) Emerging Scholars Program (ESP), (c) Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), (d) Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), (e) Structured Learning Assistance (SLA), (f) Supplemental Instruction-PASS (SI-PASS), and (g) Video-based Supplemental Instruction (VSI). As will be described in the following narrative, some of the programs share common history and seek to improve upon previous practices. Other programs were developed independently.Item A World of Difference' Teacher Survey: Winter, 1992-93.(1993) Sinclair, MarkItem Academic bridge programs(Routledge, 2018) Arendale, David R.; Lee, Nue LorBridge programs ease the transition of students from secondary education to postsecondary institutions. They are customized to assist a particular subpopulation of students to be successful. They were originally created for students with high rates of academic difficulty and withdrawal than the general student population. Then, the focus of most bridge programs was academic preparation for increased academic rigor of college. In recent years, a variety of purposes have been added: meet the needs of culturally diverse students who are underrepresented in college, increase student success in particular college degree programs, and increase the number of students who aspire and are prepared for college. Bridge programs range from an intensive program of coordinated courses and noncredit learning experiences to a single academic term course or a workshop lasting a day or two.Item Analysis of the Parent Aware Curriculum Rating Tool and Priority Indicator Research Briefs(HHH, 2015) Edlund, Melissa, M.Item CEHD Curriculum Council 2007–2008 Minutes(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008) CEHD Curriculum CouncilMinutes from CEHD Curriculum Council meetings, September 11, 2007-April 17, 2008Item Chippewa Indians: A Native American Curriculum Unit for the Fifth Grade. NATAM XV.(Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota., 1970) Holtz, DoloresItem Chippewa Indians: A Native American Curriculum Unit for the Third Grade. NATAM XIII.(Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota., 1970) Kocur, DarleneItem Contrasting Chippewa, Sioux, and Anglo Values: A Native American Curriculum Unit for the Sixth Grade. NATAM XIII.(Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota., 1970) Spannaus, NancyItem David Arendale’s guide to Apple TV apps(Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2017) Arendale, David R.This document provides an overview of the Apple TV apps I have found useful as a college educator and in my personal life. I enjoy Apple TV since I am able to watch on a large-screen with a great sound system the same content that used to be confined to my iPhone, laptop, or desktop computer. There is enough free content available through Apple TV that I could cancel my cable TV subscription. I will be interested to see the bundle of cable channels that will be eventually available for a monthly charge from Apple. At the University of Minnesota where I am a history professor, the Apple TV device has been integrated into a growing number of classrooms so that students can share video content through the room projection television system. First-year students in the College of Education and Human Development receive an iPad upon arrival and use of it is integrated into many of their first-year courses. I use the history apps to help me connect today’s events with the history topics we are studying in class.Item The developmental education model in the United Kingdom: Access programs(Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, General College, University of Minnesota, 2006) Arendale, David R.A review of programs with similarities to developmental education in the U.K. provides a different perspective which they call access programs. Higher education in the U.K. is coordinated, funded, and evaluated by the national government. Two organizations that are resources in the field of access programs are the European Access Network (2004) and the Institute for Access Studies (2003). Rather than using the U.S. term of developmental education, the U.K. approach of access program focuses on widening participation in higher education by historically-underrepresented student groups. In addition to similar concern for academically-underprepared students, the U.K. access program scope includes older students, students returning to education, displaced workers, and other demographic groups who whom college has not been common.Item Disciplinary Literacy, Reading, and Middle School ELA Teachers: A Multi-Case Exploratory Study(2024) Taylor, AnnaMiddle school serves as an important transitional stage in U.S. educational systems, as the foundational learning of the elementary grades gives way to the specialized, disciplinary studies privileged in secondary and post-secondary schools. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how middle school English Language Arts (ELA) teachers shaped the operational curriculum in their classrooms, in light of disciplinary literacy. Disciplinary literacy has emerged as an important field of research in secondary literacy in the past fifteen years; this study built upon several bodies of literature, including disciplinary literacy, ELA, and studies of educator decision-making. After examining this literature, I created a complex conceptual framework that anchored my study of educator decision-making in middle school ELA classrooms. Research questions examined teacher factors such as training and beliefs, contextual factors such as school and state expectations, and the ways that the operational curriculum in their classrooms reflected these factors.A qualitative, multi-case design was implemented to examine the instructional decision-making of two focal ELA teachers in a single school: Erin, a first-year teacher of eighth grade, and Natasha, a 16th year teacher of seventh grade. Conducting the study in one school enabled careful examination of shared contextual factors, such as school expectations and the absence of official curriculum, as well as unique individual factors, such as teachers’ beliefs, training, and past teaching experiences. Data collected included multiple rounds of interview data, notes from 8-10 classroom observations, artifacts of classroom instruction, and researcher memos and jottings. Data were analyzed through rounds of qualitative coding and analysis, drawing on provisional codes from the study’s conceptual framework. The study showed that educators shape their classrooms’ operational curriculum based on myriad factors. Teacher factors, such as access to materials and personal interest, and contextual factors, such as state standards and school-level expectations for instruction, directly shaped the operational curriculum in each classroom. Literary study, generally viewed as the heart of ELA in traditional and disciplinary literacy paradigms, was evident but not central to instruction in participants’ classrooms. This study indicates the need for additional teacher- and classroom-focused ELA disciplinary literacy research.Item EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2018 (4th ed.).(Educational Opportunity Association and the University of Minnesota, 2018) Arendale, David R.(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented 6th grade through college students. (Method) The sample for the directory was derived from TRIO and GEAR UP professionals located in the upper Midwest region that are affiliated with the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). EOA and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota created a clearinghouse to disseminate evidence-based practical activities and approaches to improve success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented in education. The administrative and education best practices in this publication have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. Each practice has been approved as promising, validated, or exemplary based on the level of evidence supporting it. The rigorous standards applied during the review process are similar to previous national evaluation efforts by the U.S. Department of Education (Results) The approved education practices of this 353 page directory represent each of the five major federally-funded TRIO and GEAR UP programs: (a) Educational Talent Search, “Emergency Field Trip Contingency Plan”, “Program Policies and Procedures Handbook”, “Peer Coaching Handbook”, “Academic Improvement Plan”, “Middle School Summer Curriculum”, (b) Upward Bound, “Upward Bound Senior College Exploration”, “Study Hall Days at a College Campus”, “Podcasting Academic and Career Counseling”, “Academic Advising Management System”, and “Planning Effective Campus Visits”; (c) Educational Opportunity Centers, “Coaching TRIO Students”, “Right Start to College Seminar for Adults”, and “Post service Assessment Tool”; (d) Disability Services, “Access College Today Program”; (e) Student Support Services, “Creating Global Experiences for College Students”, “Advising Syllabus”, “Integrated Approach to the First Year Experience”, “Horizons Study Abroad Experience”, “Procedures for a Study Abroad Program”, “Evaluation Tools for a Study Abroad Program”, “Integrated Learning Course”, “Tutoring for Students with Disabilities”, and “Tutor Training and Professional Development”; (f) Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement, “McWrite: Developing Scholarly Writing Skills”; and (g) GEAR UP, “High School Financial Literacy Curriculum”. (Implications) Rather than looking to others for solutions, the federally-funded TRIO and GEAR-UP grant programs have the expertise needed to solve vexing problems with student success. These programs are incubators of best education practices that can be implemented elsewhere. Detailed information is provided about the education practice purposes, educational theories that guide it, curriculum outlines, resources needed for implementation, evaluation process, and contact information. Educators need to investigate these education practices to discover effective learning practices that can be adapted and adopted for use in supporting higher student achievement, closing the achievement gap, increasing persistence to graduation, and meeting the needs of culturally-diverse and historically-underrepresented students. (Additional Materials) Appended to the directory are: (1) Profiles of TRIO and GEAR UP Programs with Best Practices; (2) EOA Clearinghouse External Expert Panelists; and (3) Procedures for Evaluation of Submissions to the EOA Clearinghouse.Item EOA national best practices directory 2017 (3rd ed.)(Educational Opportunity Association, 2017) Arendale, David R.The EOA National Best Practice Center identifies, validates, and disseminates practical activities and approaches to improve success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically underrepresented in education. Rather than looking to others for solutions, the federally funded TRIO and GEAR-UP grant programs have the expertise needed. The key is sharing it more widely and comprehensively with each other. The co-sponsors for the Center are EOA and the University of Minnesota. The administrative and education best practices in this publication have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. Each practice has been approved as promising, validated, or exemplary based on the level of evidence supporting it. The rigorous standards applied during the review process are similar to previous national evaluation efforts by the U.S. Department of Education. More information about the rigorous standards and the external expert panel is contained in Appendix B of this publication. The practices approved thus far by the EOA Center represent each of the five major TRIO grant programs: Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Centers, Student Support Services, and the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Programs. One practice is from a GEAR UP program. For readers unfamiliar with TRIO programs, a short history is provided on the following pages. While the education practices come from TRIO programs, they could be adapted for use with nearly any student academic support and student development program. TRIO and GEAR UP programs are incubators of best practices to serve the needs of historically underrepresented students and the general student population. Readers can use this publication as a guide for implementing the education practices contained within it. Detailed information about the education practices purposes, educational theories that guide the practice, curriculum outlines, resources needed for implementation, evaluation process, and contact information are provided by the submitters of the practice who have practical experience implementing the practices. You are encouraged to contact them for additional information.Item Exploring Political Tolerance with Adolescents.(Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 1993) Avery, Patricia G. et al.Item Global Literacy Through Mandarin Immersion and STEM: Minnesota Mandarin Immersion Collaborative Year 1(Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, 2010) Dretzke, Beverly; Rickers, Susan; Wahlstrom, Kyla; Werner, JessicaIn 2009, a 5-year Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to the Minnesota Mandarin Immersion Collaborative (MMIC) for the project Global Literacy Through Mandarin Immersion and STEM. The grant supports immersion instruction in Mandarin Chinese that begins at the kindergarten level and the development of a curriculum that has a content focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The schools in the MMIC will add a grade level each year, with the intent of creating the capacity to continue Chinese immersion to grades 7-12. The MMIC has contracted with the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota to serve as the evaluator of the project. This year 1 evaluation report presents enrollment and retention data as well as the results of a teacher survey, teacher interviews, principal interviews, and a parent survey.Item Global Literacy Through Mandarin Immersion and STEM: Minnesota Mandarin Immersion Collaborative Year 2(Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, 2011) Dretzke, Beverly; Rickers, Susan; Wahlstrom, KylaIn 2009, a 5-year Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to the Minnesota Mandarin Immersion Collaborative (MMIC) for the project Global Literacy Through Mandarin Immersion and STEM. The grant supports immersion instruction in Mandarin Chinese that begins at the kindergarten level and the development of a curriculum that has a content focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The schools in the MMIC will add a grade level each year, with the intent of creating the capacity to continue Chinese immersion to grades 7-12. The MMIC has contracted with the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota to serve as the external evaluator of the project. This report presents CAREI’s evaluation of the second year of the grant-funded project. The report includes enrollment and retention data as well as the results of principal interviews, teacher interviews, and a parent survey.Item Guide for Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) group facilitators.(Department of Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2014) Arendale, David R.; Lilly, MaryPAL programs focus on serving historically difficult college courses. These courses have a high rate of D or F final course grades or withdrawals. PAL does not focus on high-risk students, but rather on very difficult and challenging courses. These same courses are commonly listed across the U.S. by other PAL programs. To meet this need of students to achieve higher final course grades in these courses, the PAL program offers a regular schedule of out-of-class sessions that are facilitated by a fellow student. This student - called a facilitator - has often previously taken the same class by the instructor and earned a high final course grade and IS competent in the subject matter. The PAL sessions are offered throughout the academic term, beginning with the first or second week of class. The sessions occur in classrooms in the same area as where students attend the class. These sessions are free. While an attendance roster is gathered of those who participate, the course instructor does not necessarily know who attends and who does not.Item Home School Manual for Maxfield Elementary School. Volume 1, Edition 1.(1970) Wilderson, F.; Wilson, W.; Price, M.Item Home-School Manual for Maxfield Elementary School. Volume 1, Edition 2.(1970) Wilderson, F.; Wilson, W.; Price, M.Item Increasing the influence of your digital identity and scholarly contributions [Video, 19:51](2020-03) Arendale, DavidMoving beyond the traditional publish and present model of sharing scholarship, I have expanded into sharing through online information depositories, websites, email listservs, and social media (podcasting, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and others). The new model is open source which is easily accessible to anyone, anywhere without requiring payment of article purchases, journal subscriptions, and professional organization paid memberships.