Precambrian Field Camps

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From the archived Precambrian Field Camp website: The highlight of the Precambrian field camp is a week of detailed bedrock mapping in various locations within or near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) in northeastern Minnesota. These capstone projects are conducted during the fifth week of camp with students dispersed into small field parties composed of 2-5 students and an instructor. Capstone field areas have not been previously mapped in detail. Indeed, a major objective of the capstone projects is to emulate a real world experience of mapping in an area where there is no "key." Students are mentored in the technical and practical aspects of mapping in wilderness areas by experienced field instructors. Students are able to choose the capstone project they wished to participate in. Following the week of field mapping, students return to UMD to digitally compile their field data and construct geologic maps of the capstone areas during the final week of camp. They present their final geologic maps and reports on their capstone experience on the last day of camp to their fellow students, instructors, and invited geoscientists from industry, academia, and government agencies.

This collection contains capstone projects for the 2007 to 2015 field camps. There's a map for each field camp indicating the location of its 2-5 capstone projects, a summary presentation for each field camp except 2007, and geologic maps (and one geophysical map) for most (not all) of the capstone projects.
