Students' College

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Students' College at UMD was an organization "designed to give students human service delivery and management opportunities, and to provide for academic credit on the basis of the student's performance." It offered, among other programs, the Human Resource Bank, which placed student volunteers with community agencies; the Free Univer-City, which offered classes by and for UMD students and members of the community for free; and the Students' College Internship Program, which helped students find internship experiences outside the classroom. Students' College did not grant degrees, though credits earned through it could be applied toward degrees offered by UMD.

Students' College first appeared in the 1972-73 campus directory. It seems to have been a pilot project, which was evaluated by a committee in spring 1977 to determine its continuation. By fall 1979, it had been accepted under the "academic umbrella" of the College of Education (precursor to today's College of Education and Human Service Professions). The 1981-82 campus directory is the last directory to contain Students' College.
