Data Management Needs Assessment - Surveys in CLA, AHC, CSE, and CFANS


Data Management Needs Assessment - Surveys in CLA, AHC, CSE, and CFANS

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Manual or Documentation


Researcher's data management needs were assessed at four colleges with in the University of Minnesota: The College of Liberal Arts (CLA), the Academic Health Center (AHC), the College of Science and Engineering (CSE), and the College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS). The initial survey was designed in CLA and featured a branched design that presented researchers one of two versions of the questions based on how respondents described the products of their scholarship - as "data" or "research materials". The survey was then customized for the other colleges, adding or editing questions based on feedback from disciplinary experts, while maintaining comparability across surveys. Surveys were run between September 2013 and and February 2015.


This entry contains zip files with the surveys (in Word and Qualtrics formats) for each college and a document that compares the questions across surveys.



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Suggested citation

Hofelich Mohr, Alicia; Bishoff, Josh; Johnston, Lisa R; Braun, Steven; Storino, Christine; Bishoff, Carolyn. (2015). Data Management Needs Assessment - Surveys in CLA, AHC, CSE, and CFANS. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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