Children’s Mental Health eReview: Closing the research-practice gap

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Children’s Mental Health eReview: Closing the research-practice gap

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University of Minnesota Extension




The Children’s Mental Health eReview is a unique, online publication produced through Extension Children, Youth & Family Consortium (CYFC). eReview brings current, accessible research to providers through a thoughtful production process that engages both researchers and community professionals in the writing process. “Children’s mental health” is broadly defined and relevant topics are chosen with input from an Extension Leadership Team. Research authors summarize emerging research and are rigorously edited by other professionals in the field. Community authors representing specific settings, communities and cultures identify how that research is relevant to their work, and also how it might not be relevant. They recommend next steps in the research process. In this way, eReview serves as a catalyst for narrowing the gap between published research and real-life interventions. Of the 187 user evaluations, over 90% evaluated eReview as a “good” or “excellent” source of research information, and over 80% evaluated eReview as a “good” or “excellent” source for practice and policy information. Of the 18 author evaluations, all stated ( “somewhat” or “to a great extent”) that the writing process helped them identify current research and synthesize it in a useful way. Ninety-five percent would recommend authoring eReview to their colleagues. The eReview reaches readers all over the world (a recent issue received 2,820 hits from countries across the globe) and is featured on local and national websites such as the National Council on Family Relations, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and Children’s Bureau Express.



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Michaels, Cari; Cronin, Sarah. (2015). Children’s Mental Health eReview: Closing the research-practice gap. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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