Localized micromagnetic perturbation of domain walls in magnetite using a magnetic force microscope

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Localized micromagnetic perturbation of domain walls in magnetite using a magnetic force microscope

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Applied Physics Letters (American Institute of Physics)




Magnetic force microscope(MFM) profiles of domain walls (DWs) in magnetite were measured using commercially available MFM tips. Opposite polarity profiles of a single DW segment were obtained by magnetizing the MFM tip in opposite directions perpendicular to the sample surface. During a measurement, the field of the tip locally magnetized the DW, resulting in a more attractive tip‐sample interaction. The difference between opposite polarity DW profiles provided a qualitative measurement of the reversible changes in DW structure due to the localized field of the MFM tip.


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Funding information

This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research, N00014-94-1-0123 (SF, RP, EDD). BM was also supported by the NSF under Grant Nos. EAR-9304520 and EAR-9526812. This is contribution 9607 of the Institute for Rock Magnetism.

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Previously Published Citation

Foss, S., R. Proksch, E. D. Dahlberg, B. M. Moskowitz and B. Walsh (1996). "Localized micromagnetic perturbation of domain walls in magnetite using a magnetic force microscope." Applied Physics Letters 69(22): 3426-3428.

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Suggested citation

Foss, Sheryl; Proksch, Roger; Dahlberg, E.D.; Moskowitz, Bruce; Walsh, B.. (1996). Localized micromagnetic perturbation of domain walls in magnetite using a magnetic force microscope. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, 10.1063/1.117281.

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