Thor Flight 27



Thor Flight 27

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The new nav filter was running, but the old AHRS filter was used to provide attitude estimates. Note the saved IMU data contains the biases from the new nav filter and should be removed. (ie flight_data.p + flight_data.p_bias). SIL simulation data is below under "Attachments". The controller used for flights 26, 27, and 28 was the baseline controller. Software used was branches/flightcode_nav rev 653. Thor Flight 27: baseline controller, fault injection sequence. (faults/fault_onesurf.c, guidance/doublet_phi3.c). Order of faults: 5 deg ramp, 10 deg ramp, 5 deg bias, 10 deg bias, then repeat. Went through this cycle nearly 4 times (10 deg bias only ran 3 times). Fault sequence is as follows: t0: controller engaged, phi_ref = 0, theta_ref = 5 deg (holds this throughout) t0 + 2s: 20 deg phi doublet (right, then left). 4 sec period t0 + 6s: phi doublet complete t0 + 8s: fault injection starts t0 + 10s: 20 deg phi doublet (right, then left), 4 sec period t0 + 16s: 20 deg phi doublet (right, then left), 4 sec period t0 + 20s: phi_ref = 0; ramp faults at final value

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Suggested citation

Taylor, Brian. (2011). Thor Flight 27. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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