Registration of ‘Rasmusson’ barley

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Registration of ‘Rasmusson’ barley

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Journal of Plant Registrations




‘Rasmusson’ (Reg. No. CV-345, PI 658495) is a spring, six-rowed, malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) released by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station in January 2008. It was named after Donald Rasmusson, who worked as a barley breeder at the University of Minnesota from 1958 to 2000. Rasmusson has the pedigree M95/‘Lacey’ and is the product of advanced cycle breeding derived from crosses among elite breeding lines within the University of Minnesota breeding program. Rasmusson was released based on its superior yield performance across the Upper Midwest of the United States and surrounding regions in Canada and favorable malting quality, in particular, high malt extract. Rasmusson is resistant to spot blotch [caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kuribayashi) Drechs. ex Dastur] and the prevalent races of stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis Pers.: Pers. f. sp. tritici Erikss. & E. Henn).


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Previously Published Citation

Smith, K.P., Rasmusson, D.C., Schiefelbein, E., Wiersma, J.J., Dill-Macky, J.V., Steffenson, A., . . . Budde, B. (2010). Registration of 'Rasmusson' barley. Journal of Plant Registrations, 4(3), 167-170.

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Suggested citation

Steffenson, Brian; Smith, K.P.; Rasmusson, D.C.; Schiefelbein, E.; Wiersma, J.J.; Wiersma, J.V.; Budde, A.; Dill-Macky, R.. (2010). Registration of ‘Rasmusson’ barley. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, 10.3198/jpr2009.10.0622crc.

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