Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study: Environmental Study of Airborne Particulate Matter in Mesabi Iron Range Communities and Taconite Processing Plants - Lake Sediment Study


Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study: Environmental Study of Airborne Particulate Matter in Mesabi Iron Range Communities and Taconite Processing Plants - Lake Sediment Study

Alternative title

Natural Resources Research Institute Report of Investigations, Lake Sediment Study

Published Date



University of Minnesota Duluth


Technical Report


Atmospheric deposition of airborne particulate matter such as fugitive dust contributes to sediment that accumulates at the bottom of a lake. Because of this phenomenon, lake sediment can provide an historic mineralogical and chemical record of what may have been in the air at the time of its atmospheric deposition. This point is important, because the NRRI’s role in the Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study (MTWHS) was to not only help answer the question “What is in the air?” by conducting present-day in-plant and community air sampling, but – and even more challengingly – to potentially answer the question “What was in the air, when?” by collecting and analyzing historic samples. Lake sediment was the only historic sampling medium available that could allow the investigators to make an attempt to assess what might have been present in the air in the past on Minnesota’s Mesabi Iron Range (MIR). The NRRI therefore core-sampled, age-dated, and characterized intervals of sediment from two MIR lakes – Silver Lake in Virginia, on the central MIR, and “North-of-Snort” Lake on the eastern end of the MIR, near Babbitt (Fig. i). The objective was to determine if fugitive mineral dust generated by past iron ore/taconite mining activity could be discerned in mineral particulate matter (PM) deposited and preserved in the sediment of both lakes.


The two appendices mentioned in the report are attached both within the report (see the Attachments pane) and separately to this record (Appendices A and B).

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Series/Report Number

NRRI Report of Investigations;NRRI/RI-2019/33

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Suggested citation

Zanko, Lawrence M; Reavie, Euan D; Post, Sara P. (2019). Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study: Environmental Study of Airborne Particulate Matter in Mesabi Iron Range Communities and Taconite Processing Plants - Lake Sediment Study. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/208478.

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