Eating on the Run
Eating on the Run
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Young adults who take the time to sit down and share a meal with others rather than eating on the run are more likely to have a healthy diet, according to research led by Nicole Larson, a nutrition expert at the University of Minnesota. Larson surveyed more than 1,600 men and women with an average age of 20 and a half years old. <Clip: “What we found was that those who more often shared meals…less of the fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods.”> Larson recommends that young adults schedule time for meals as they do for other important activities. She adds that there is a message for colleges and businesses, as well. <Clip: “As much as they can, they would be encouraged to support…workplace, or in the college or university setting.”> For John Finnegan and Public Health Moment, I’m Mark Engebretson.
Runtime 1:30 minutes
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This resource is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect current scientific knowledge or medical recommendations.
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Engebretson, Mark; Nicole Larson. (2009). Eating on the Run. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,
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