Fenrir Flight 27
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Fenrir Flight 27
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The goal for this flight was to launch the aircraft and have the pilot fly circuits by commanding phi and theta angles via the sticks. Auto throttle ran the entire flight. After climbing during the first circuit, on the first straight pass, the pilot engaged our approach guidance and zdot tracker which holds a 3 m/s descent rate and drops airspeed to 20 m/s while letting the pilot control phi angle to keep the aircraft aligned with the runway. The approach guidance and tracker appeared to work flawlessly, so on the second pass we had the pilot engage the approach guidance and fly it to an altitude of about 10 - 12 feet AGL, when he engaged flare guidance, which reduces the descent rate to 0.5 m/s, reduces speed to 15 m/s, and holds wings level. The automated approach and landing performed extremely well. Looking at the data our touchdown descent rate was around 1 m/s, airspeed 16 m/s, and slightly nose up. From a quick look at the data, tracking on all control loops performed well. There wasn't quite enough time in flare to bring bank angle to zero.
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Taylor, Brian. (2015). Fenrir Flight 27. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172657.
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