Designing an algorithm that transforms each pixel back to motif in a fundamental region.

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Designing an algorithm that transforms each pixel back to motif in a fundamental region.

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Thesis or Dissertation


Current algorithms to create repeating hyperbolic patterns transform the motif about the hyperbolic plane to points in the Poincaré circle model. This is inefficient near the bounding circle since the entire motif is drawn, even though it covers only few pixels. To avoid this shortcoming, we designed another algorithm that transforms each pixel in a motif in a fundamental region and then colors the original pixel using a color permutation of the color of the final pixel. This solves the inefficiency problems of the previous algorithms.


University of Minnesota M.S. thesis. September 2011. Major: Computer science. Advisor: Dr. Douglas Dunham. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 44 pages, appendix I.

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Chandarana, Dnyaneshwari Subodh. (2011). Designing an algorithm that transforms each pixel back to motif in a fundamental region.. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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