Forecasting and Evaluating Network Growth.
Forecasting and Evaluating Network Growth.
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This research assesses the implications of existing trends on future network investment, comparing alternative scenarios concerning budgets and investment rules across a variety of performance measures. The main scenarios compare 'stated decision rules', processes encoded in flowcharts and weights developed from official documents or by discussion with agency staff, with 'revealed decision rules', weights estimated statistically based on observed historical behavior. This research specifies the processes necessary to run the network forecasting models with various decision rules. Results for different scenarios are presented including adding additional constraints for the transportation network expansion and calibration process details. We find that alternative decision rules make only small differences in overall system performance, though they direct investments to very different locations. However, changes in total budget can make a significant difference to system-wide performance.
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Series/Report Number
Nexus Working Papers;000010
Funding information
Minnesota Department of Transportation
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Previously Published Citation
Levinson, David, Feng Xie, Norah Montes de Oca (2012) Forecasting and Evaluating Network Growth. Networks and Spatial Economics 12(2) 239-262.
Other identifiers
Suggested citation
Levinson, David M; Xie, Feng; Montes de Oca, Norah. (2012). Forecasting and Evaluating Network Growth.. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,
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