A model for suppport: meeting the needs of English language learners in a small community.

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A model for suppport: meeting the needs of English language learners in a small community.

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Thesis or Dissertation


As the population of language minority families significantly increases in our nation (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2002), schools are trying to meet the needs of a growing number of students with limited English skills. This qualitative research study examined the types of academic, social, and linguistic support currently available to immigrant school-aged children and their families as they enter into a small mid-western community in the United States. The forty-nine participants in this study included immigrant parents, school staff, and community members, who shared insight into the types of support most needed and helpful for newcomer students and their families. Using grounded theory methods of research, three major themes emerged and were used to create a model for support. Each of the three levels of support includes a précis of ideas for assisting schools, communities and families, as they develop ways to support newcomer students in their academic, linguistic, and socio-cultural development. Major findings of this study include: a.) the need for increased communication and access to services, b.) the need for more opportunities to learn English, and c.) the importance of maintaining native language skills and culture as an asset to the community.


University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2009. Major: Education, Curriculum and Instruction. Advisor: Martha Bigelow, PhD. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 166 pages, appendices A-E.

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Tahtinen, Sarah Ellen. (2009). A model for suppport: meeting the needs of English language learners in a small community.. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/53815.

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