Safety on the Streets
Safety on the Streets
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SOS is a collaborative pilot project in the 3rd police precinct of Minneapolis to encourage and support women involved in prostitution to file a police report if they have been physically or sexually assaulted by a purchaser ('john,' client, trick, etc.) or a pimp. Our framework, process and activities have been informed the following principles: Do no harm; Respect and non-judgment; Consensus building; Fostering collaboration between stakeholders who are often on different sides of the debate. The program evaluation for Safety on the Streets will focus on assessing program outcomes for SOS. This evaluation will measure the extent to which SOS is meeting its short term goals. SOS short term goals: Increase the number of assault reports made by women involved in prostitution; Improve quality of reports; Improve the quality of the reporting experience for women involved in prostitution; Increase in the number of reports made by women involved in prostitution that lead to arrests and convictions; Increase knowledge and understanding of women involved in prostitution among police officers.; Increase awareness of service and support options available for women involved in prostitution.
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Funding information
Prepared in partnership with Women of Nations. Funded by a Communiversity Personnel Grant from the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA), University of Minnesota.
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Suggested citation
Gun, Yael. (2009). Safety on the Streets. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,
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