Case Studies of Projects to Help Grow the Landscape of Ramsey County for Urban Agriculture and Provide Greater Food Security


Case Studies of Projects to Help Grow the Landscape of Ramsey County for Urban Agriculture and Provide Greater Food Security

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Resilient Communities Project (RCP), University of Minnesota


Learning Object


This project was completed as part of a partnership between Ramsey County and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to identify opportunities and strategies for Ramsey County to engage, encourage, and support municipalities in their efforts to expand urban agriculture. Ramsey County project lead Cameran Bailey collaborated with a team of students in Dr. Jeannie Entenza’s course PA 8081: Leading Organizational & Community Change Capstone to research and analyze case studies of urban agriculture projects in comparable jurisdictions, creating a matrix to compare categories of interest to the County. A final student report and PowerPoint presentation slides from the project are available, as well as a fact sheet on community gardening and the scoring process students undertook to identify relevant projects.


Report, presentation, score sheet matrix, score sheet instructions, and community gardening handout completed by students enrolled in PA 8081: Leading Organizational and Community Change Capstone, taught by Dr. Jeannie Entenza in summer 2024.

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Series/Report Number

RCP 40a

Funding information

This project was supported by the Resilient Communities Project (RCP), a program at the University of Minnesota whose mission is to connect communities in Minnesota with U of MN faculty and students to advance community resilience, equity, and sustainability through collaborative, course-based projects. RCP is a program of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). Funding was provided by Ramsey County. More information at

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Suggested citation

Crawley, Leslie; Jorgensen, Andy; Pichel, Frank; O'Brien, Liam. (2024). Case Studies of Projects to Help Grow the Landscape of Ramsey County for Urban Agriculture and Provide Greater Food Security. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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