The relationships among employee reactions to training, commitment to organizational change, learning, and volunteering behavior.

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The relationships among employee reactions to training, commitment to organizational change, learning, and volunteering behavior.

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Thesis or Dissertation


This study explored the relationships between employee reactions to change-related training, commitment to organizational change, learning, and volunteering behavior. To accomplish this, online surveys were used to gather employee perceptions. Measures used were the Affective Commitment to Change Scale developed by Herscovitch and Meyer (2002) and Affective and Cognitive Reaction to Training Scales which were developed for this study based on Alliger, Tannenbaum, Bennett, Traver, and Shotland's (1997) previous conceptualizations. Theories related to attitude formation and change, learning, and organizational change provided a framework for this study and guided the research questions. The sample in this study was comprised of four divisions of a large healthcare organization with approximately 650 independently operating facilities across the United States. Completed data were obtained from 1,091 participants, with a total response rate of approximately 30%. Correlational, factor, and hierarchical regression analyses were employed to assess study scales and relationships among the constructs.Results showed strong correlations between training reaction sub-scales, suggesting conceptual overlap and need for revision. The results of factor analyses provided the best fit for a 2-dimensional model of training reactions. Hierarchical regression analyses showed significant relationships between training reactions, commitment to change, and volunteering behavior.It was concluded that training reactions may serve as leading indicators for employee commitment and behavioral support for an organizational change. In general, this study supports previous theoretical claims that commitment to change is critical to the successful implementation of organizational change. These findings have implications for future research and practice. It is recommended that future research further explore the causal links between reactions, commitment, and volunteering behavior using approaches such as longitudinal methods. Additional research on other antecedents to commitment to change is recommended. Next, although affective and cognitive training reactions are useful concepts, the scale developed for this study needs further refinement. In conclusion, this study suggests that, as the causes and consequences of employee commitment to change are better understood, human resource development (HRD) practitioners and academics will be better equipped to help organizations realize their strategic objectives and help organizational members find greater fulfillment and meaning in the workplace.


University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. March 2010. Major: Education, Work/Community/Family Education. Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Bartlett. 1 computer file (PDF), viii, 156 pages, appendices A-B.

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Staples, Justin Gregory. (2010). The relationships among employee reactions to training, commitment to organizational change, learning, and volunteering behavior.. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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