Diaper Rash: Get to the Bottom of it

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Diaper Rash: Get to the Bottom of it

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Barrier creams and barrier creams with antifungal agents both are effective treatments of diaper dermatitis. Fungal yeast is present in over 90% of diaper rashes, but is not necessarily the causative agent. In mild cases, antifungal agents may not perform better than barrier creams alone. In moderate to severe cases, patients will likely benefit from using an antifungal agent. For patients at increased risk for diaper dermatitis, such as those with diarrhea, taking oral antibiotics, wearing low-absorbance diaper material, better prevention may be possible using barrier cream with antifungal. In all cases, diaper dermatitis is best dealt with by following the ABCDEs: Air exposure –allow the diapered area to air dry, don’t over-tighten the diaper, allow naked nap time on a towel when possible Barrier cream – zinc oxide or petroleum, reapply with every diaper change, creams with antifungal agents may be better in severe rashes or when yeast infection is suspected Cleanliness – frequent diaper changes and baths, pat dry with a towel or air dry, avoid wipes with alcohol or scent Diaper changes – frequent changes, the less time spent in a dirty diaper the betterespecially with loose stools or low-absorbance diapers Education – teach caregivers about care of diapered child


The information provided in this handout does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Minnesota Medical School physicians and faculty. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are in no way intended to take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal health care provider. You use the information provided in these handouts at your own risk.

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Healy, Luke. (2008). Diaper Rash: Get to the Bottom of it. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/5660.

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