Bulletin No. 16. The Peat Deposits of Minnesota
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Bulletin No. 16. The Peat Deposits of Minnesota
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Minnesota Geological Survey
This bulletin outlines and describes the peat deposits of Minnesota and indicates methods by which they may be utilized for fuel and other purposes. It contains also a discussion of certain areas of peat land in various parts of the state, and purposes for which they are best adapted, whether for agriculture or for the manufacture of peat products. The peat deposits of Minnesota are probably greater than those of any other state in the Union, the quantity of peat being sufficient to make more than six billion tons of good peat fuel. Because of the enormous areas of many of the peat deposits, it was soon realized that any detailed testing of the bogs could be done only on certain selected areas which seem to be especially well situated for development. Such a detailed testing of some of the largest deposits would require years to complete, and in view of the constantly increasing demand in Minnesota for a report on the peat, or muskeg lands of the state, and especially a demand for knowledge as to the agricultural possibilities of these areas, it was decided to examine as many localities as possible and to publish a report of a more general nature which would include descriptions of most of the larger muskegs and peat deposits. Enough soundings were made to determine whether the land should be classified as easily reclaimable, or as better adapted to the manufacture of peat fuel or other peat products. During the two seasons of field work every county in Minnesota was visited and detailed examinations were made in every county which contains peat. In addition to the data thus collected, a large amount of valuable data, including thousands of soundings, has been supplied by the engineers engaged in the various public and private projects for draining the great swamps of northern Minnesota.
Four map inserts as pdfs, scales of enlarged maps 1 inch = 4 miles.
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Soper, E.K.. (1919). Bulletin No. 16. The Peat Deposits of Minnesota. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/56617.
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