Proceedsings of Conference on Inland Lake Renewal and Shoreland Management

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Proceedsings of Conference on Inland Lake Renewal and Shoreland Management

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Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota


Newsletter or Bulletin


The program of the Conference included an introduction and overview of the program of the Inland Lake Demonstration and Shoreland Management Project of Wisconsin. Reports were presented on selected lake renewal activities, selected shoreland management and development activities, and shoreland management educational programs. Projects were described involving chemical and inactivation of nutrients, nutrient exclusion/diluational pumping, rehabilitation of a small flowage, urban runoff, characterization private controls for recreational and development, shoreland development, and lake rehabilitation legislation and programs. The progress of Minnesota’s shoreland program and activities in lake demonstration projects was described. Alum was used successfully for chemical inactivation of nutrients in an overfertilized small lake in Wisconsin. Dilutional pumping resulted in more success in reducing the phosphorus content of another lake. Plastic sheeting, in combination with sand and gravel blankets on the bed of a millpond, was used to control aquatic plants. With regard to water-oriented recreational developments, it was suggested that an automatic property owners association can provide a mechanism for maintaining and managing the common open space and facilities to which individual lake lot owners have common rights. A nationwide survey disclosed that explicit statutes saying that a local unit of government or State agency is authorized to project, manage, or rehabilitate lakes are rare. The 1969 session of the Minnesota Legislature passed the Shoreland Management Act requiring each county to adopt a shoreland management ordinance to help combat lake problems. Considerable progress has been made in implementing the provisions of the Act.


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Series/Report Number

WRRC Bulletin

Funding information

Water Resources Research Center

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Previously Published Citation

Water Resources Research Center. 1972. Proceedings of Conference on Inland Lake Renewal and Shoreland Management. Water Resources Research Center.

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Suggested citation

Water Resources Research Center. (1972). Proceedsings of Conference on Inland Lake Renewal and Shoreland Management. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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