Hmong-Americans in the Mainstream Newspapers of the Twin Cities

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Hmong-Americans in the Mainstream Newspapers of the Twin Cities

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This report documents a project undertaken with Hmong National Development to analyze how the mainstream media, in particular the two daily newspapers in the Twin Cities, covered Hmong-Americans. The research included an analysis of news articles in the two papers, interviews with community members, and discussions with journalists. The research found that the majority of the time, when a Hmong-American is written about, his or her race is mentioned. In many cases, there are valid reasons to mention raceラfor example, the article was focused on the Hmong-American community or offered a profile of a Hmong individual or organization. Interviews revealed that journalists believed they do not cover minority groups in general nearly enough, but that when they do, they believe they do so fairly. The majority of the journalists interviewed said they knew almost nothing about the Hmong-American community before writing an article. They also reported that more input from, letters from, and relationships with the Hmong-American community would make their coverage better.

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Conducted on behalf of Hmong National Development. Supported by Neighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR), a program of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) at the University of Minnesota.

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Lee, Hlee. (2006). Hmong-Americans in the Mainstream Newspapers of the Twin Cities. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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