Low Impact Development to reduce North Shore runoff: Successes, challenges, and lessons learned
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Low Impact Development to reduce North Shore runoff: Successes, challenges, and lessons learned
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Natural Resources Research Institute Technical Report
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University of Minnesota Duluth
Technical Report
The project supported the LakeSuperiorStreams project9s stream monitoring and assessment network and the Superior Regional Stormwater Protection Team’s educational and technical assistance missions by helping to fund: (1) the water quality data and associated interpretive information needed to assess, model and manage threatened trout streams and the coastal zone of Lake Superior; and (2) the dissemination of low impact design information specific to the region to help communities reduce their stormwater runoff and erosion impacts on sensitive water resources. Resource agencies require better estimates of seasonal, year-to-year and stream-to- stream variability in water quality to address stream impairments and develop effect remediation and restoration strategies. The project has continued to produce on-line, no-cost data, data visualization opportunities, GIS landuse and land cover mapping and analytical tools, and educational information for a broad technical and non-technical audience.
Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program; Project No. 306-11-11; Contract No. B43600
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Series/Report Number
NRRI Technical Report;NRRI/TR-2012/03
Funding information
This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA5s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota5s Lake Superior Coastal Program. Additional support came from the Natural Resources Research Institute, Sea Grant College, and Facilities Management Stormwater Program at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, the City of Duluth Stormwater Utility, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency-Duluth, Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, and the South St. Louis SWCD
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Suggested citation
Axler, Richard P; Schomberg, Jesse; Will, Norman; Henneck, Jerald; Carlson, Todd; Ruzycki, Elaine; Host, George E; Sjerven, Gerald; Kleist, Chris; Hagley, Cynthia. (2012). Low Impact Development to reduce North Shore runoff: Successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/201388.
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