From Problem to Promise: An Examination of the Effects of Peer Group Coaching on the Wellbeing of Undergraduate Students

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From Problem to Promise: An Examination of the Effects of Peer Group Coaching on the Wellbeing of Undergraduate Students

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Thesis or Dissertation


College student mental health has historically been framed as a "crisis"� in need of a solution. Currently, college counseling centers report an inability to meet the demands of students. This study invites a shift in thinking about college student mental health to a focus on student wellbeing. This focus is not meant to replace attention to severe mental health needs of students, but is instead intended to augment the work being done by student affairs staff. Given college students' increasing mental health needs, higher education professionals are obligated to explore additional means of supporting students. The practice of peer coaching has been demonstrated as beneficial to participants in spheres outside of higher education. This mixed methods study sought to examine the experiences of 30 undergraduate students enrolled in a semester-long peer group coaching program. Students who participated in peer group coaching (n = 30) showed significant increases in multiple dimensions of wellbeing as measured by the Ryff (1989) Scales of Psychological Wellbeing and the Social Provisions Scale (Cutrona & Russell, 1987), while a comparison group (n = 34) increased in only one dimension. Analysis of qualitative interview data provided description of the experience of peer group coaching in students' own words, and a third analysis involving both the quantitative and qualitative data provided support for and illumination of the quantitative changes. Overall, the results of this study support the creation of peer coaching groups as one means of addressing the needs of today's undergraduate students.


University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2015. Major: Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development. Advisor: Darwin Hendel. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 178 pages.

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Sommers, Jayne. (2015). From Problem to Promise: An Examination of the Effects of Peer Group Coaching on the Wellbeing of Undergraduate Students. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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