Postural and cognitive precursors of post-bout motion sickness and concussion-related symptoms in boxers

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Postural and cognitive precursors of post-bout motion sickness and concussion-related symptoms in boxers

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Thesis or Dissertation


Background: Motion sickness is characterized by subjective symptoms that include dizziness and nausea. Studies have shown that subjective symptoms of motion sickness are preceded by differences in standing body sway between those who experience the symptoms and those who are not. Boxers often report dizziness and nausea immediately after bouts. We predicted that pre-bout standing body sway would differ between boxers who experienced post-bout motion sickness and those who did not. Methodology/Principal Findings: We collected data on standing body sway before bouts. During measurement of body sway participants performed two visual tasks. In addition, we varied stance width (the distance between the heels). Postural testing was conducted separately before and after participants' regular warm-up routines. After bouts, we collected self-reports of motion sickness incidence and symptoms. Results revealed that standing body sway was greater after warm-up than before warm-up, and that wider stance width was associated with reduced sway. Eight of 15 amateur boxers reported motion sickness after a bout. Two statistically significant interactions revealed that standing body sway before bouts differed between participants who reported post-bout motion sickness and those who did not. Conclusions/Significance: The results suggest that susceptibility to motion sickness in boxers may be manifested in characteristic patterns of body sway. It may be possible to use pre-bout data on postural sway to predict susceptibility to post-bout motion sickness.


University of Minnesota Ph.D. August 2014. Major: Kinesiology. Advisor: Thomas A. Stoffregen. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 106 pages, appendix A.

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Chen, Yi-Chou. (2014). Postural and cognitive precursors of post-bout motion sickness and concussion-related symptoms in boxers. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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