Campaigning on Facts: Scrutiny and Press Coverage


Campaigning on Facts: Scrutiny and Press Coverage

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Voters rely on campaigns to learn where candidates stand and how they will tackle today's most pressing challenges. But too often campaigns are fast and loose with facts. This forum brought together four of the most accomplished fact-hounds who are sniffing out the lies, distortions, or half-truths in Minnesota politics. The group discussed the importance of political fact-checking and previewed key issues in the upcoming election — and how they may be distorted. The event was moderated by Lori Sturdevant, editorial writer/columnist for the Star Tribune. Panelists included the following: ERIC BLACK Eric Black pens the Black Ink column for MinnPost. He is a former reporter for the Star Tribune and Twin Cities blogger. He writes about politics and government of Minnesota and the United States, the historical background of topics and other issues. PAT KESSLER Pat Kessler is a reporter for WCCO-TV and has covered state government, politics, campaigns and conventions since 1984. Kessler is also known for his ‘Reality Check’ segments that separate fact from fiction in the political world. Before joining WCCO-TV, Kessler was a reporter for Minnesota Public Radio, and a technical assistant for 'A Prairie Home Companion' with Garrison Keillor. Kessler studied English and journalism at Macalester College. CATHARINE RICHERT Catharine Richert is the lead reporter for PoliGraph, a fact-checking project of The Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and Minnesota Public Radio. Before moving to Minnesota, she lived in Washington, D.C. where she worked for Congressional Quarterly and She is earning her Master of Public Policy at the Humphrey School and completed her undergraduate education at Oberlin College. TOM SCHECK Tom Scheck covers politics and state government for Minnesota Public Radio News. He moved to Minnesota in 2000. Scheck went to Syracuse University and grew up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

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Jacobs, Lawrence R.. (2010). Campaigning on Facts: Scrutiny and Press Coverage. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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