File structure design and data specifications for water resources geographic information systems


File structure design and data specifications for water resources geographic information systems

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Published Date



University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center





Chapters: 1. Introduction:toward water resources analysis. 2. File structure and cell size considerations for a water resources GIS. 3. Precipitation network density requirements for short-term analysis. 4. Climate network density analysis. 5. Precipitation data for a water resources GIS. 6.Hydrological classification of land cover. 7. Land cover data for a water resources GIS. 8. Soil water systems analysis and modeling. 9. A review of soil erosion modeling. 10. Soil data for a water resources GIS. 11. Terrain data for a water resources GIS. 12. Hydrographic data for a water resources GIS. 13. Groundwater systems for a water resources GIS. 14 Groundwater data....15. Conclusions and summary...

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Series/Report Number

Special report;10

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Previously Published Citation

Brown, Dwight A., Gersmehl, Philip J. 1987. File structure design and data specifications for water resources geographic information systems. Saint Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center. Special report 10.

Other identifiers

Suggested citation

Brown, Dwight A.; Gersmehl, Philip J.. (1987). File structure design and data specifications for water resources geographic information systems. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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