Interactive Animation and Visualization Tool for Exploring Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program Bacteria Data

Bauman, Heidi
Will, Norman
Axler, Richard P
Host, George E

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Interactive Animation and Visualization Tool for Exploring Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program Bacteria Data

Alternative title

Natural Resources Research Institute Technical Report

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University of Minnesota Duluth


Technical Report


Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program staff collaborated with the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI-UMD) staff to develop and implement interactive online tools for viewing lake and estuary indicator bacteria data with a new perspective. This data visualization tool was installed on the (originally website with appropriate links from the Lake Superior Beach Monitoring website ( also developed in collaboration with NRRI) to allow users to visualize changes in bacteria counts over time compared to temperature, precipitation, wave height and wind direction. The tool enhances the use of ambient surface water (MPCA program priority #4) data by professionals at resource agencies, consulting firms, NGOs and universities; by teachers and students, and by the general public. It assists the Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program in achieving its goal of providing data and education to the water recreating public.


Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program; Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth

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Series/Report Number

NRRI Technical Report;NRRI/TR-2006/31

Funding information

This project was funded under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA5s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program. Development of the project was conducted the Natural Resources Research Institute at the University of Minnesota-Duluth (NRRI-UMD) for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Lake Superior Beach Program. Approximately 50% of the cost was provided in the form of in-kind salary match by NRRI-UMD’s Center for Water & the Environment to accomplish the goals of the project. Contract no. A76050

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Other identifiers

Project No. 306-STAR07-05

Suggested citation

Bauman, Heidi; Will, Norman; Axler, Richard P; Host, George E. (2006). Interactive Animation and Visualization Tool for Exploring Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program Bacteria Data. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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