Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson: ‘An Enigma Wrapped in a Whoopee Cushion’ (2019-11-07)

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Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson: ‘An Enigma Wrapped in a Whoopee Cushion’ (2019-11-07)

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Who exactly is Boris Johnson? How is he best summed up as a political personality? Bumbling Boris, Biking Boris or Boris the ‘Brexit Beast’? Does he even have any defined and consistent political beliefs? Or are all these different, and carefully contrived, manifestations simply a convenient set of disguises for a ruthless personality driven solely by the desire to secure, and now attempt to keep, by a risky high-wire act, the post of Prime Minister? The timing of the talk means that, whilst maintaining a narrative format, it will, per force, adjust to or even be radically altered by a very fluid political environment.


Thursday; November 7, 2019; 7:00 pm; Library Floor Rotunda; Free and open to the public; A reception follows the lecture; A CLA Passport event; Presented by Dr. William Henderson, Alworth Institute International Associate

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CLA Passport Event

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Henderson, William; University of Minnesota Duluth. Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies. (2019). Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson: ‘An Enigma Wrapped in a Whoopee Cushion’ (2019-11-07). Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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