Transit-Oriented Development Recommendations and Guidelines: A Resilient Communities Project–GreenStep Cities Guide

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Transit-Oriented Development Recommendations and Guidelines: A Resilient Communities Project–GreenStep Cities Guide

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Resilient Communities Project (RCP), University of Minnesota.




Transit-oriented development (TOD) refers to mixed-use, walkable developments located around transit stations. In order to be a successful TOD location, the area must incorporate mixed-uses, walkable design, and location-efficient development. This resource presents several case studies that can help suburban communities develop a realistic vision for TOD areas with supporting policy to implement that vision. Lessons learned from the case studies can help to guide the planning process, and examples provide insight into the elements of a successful TOD project. This document has been prepared by the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project (RCP) for the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program. This tool was developed from a report completed by University of Minnesota graduate students in partnership with RCP and the City of Minnetonka during the 2012–2013 academic year. Although the original report was developed for a specific community, students’ findings and recommendations have been synthesized and generalized, and additional research has been conducted where necessary, to produce a resource that is relevant to communities throughout Minnesota. The original student report can be found at


Report compiled and edited by Hannah Gary, a graduate research assistant with the Resilient Communities Project.

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Funding information

This project was supported by the Resilient Communities Project (RCP), a program at the University of Minnesota whose mission is to connect communities in Minnesota with U of MN faculty and students to advance local sustainability and resilience through collaborative, course-based projects. RCP is a program of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). More information at Funding for the report was provided by GreenStep Cities, a program of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, through a grant from the McKnight Foundation. More information at

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Gary, Hannah (editor). (2016). Transit-Oriented Development Recommendations and Guidelines: A Resilient Communities Project–GreenStep Cities Guide. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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