Onions on land plowed and unplowed. Trial of cabbage. Syringing with London Purple to kill the Curculio on our native plums. Bagging grapes. Rollingstone plums. Potatoes at different depths. Oak caterpillars


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Onions on land plowed and unplowed. Trial of cabbage. Syringing with London Purple to kill the Curculio on our native plums. Bagging grapes. Rollingstone plums. Potatoes at different depths. Oak caterpillars

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University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station


Newsletter or Bulletin




This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station: http://www.maes.umn.edu/

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Series/Report Number

Bulletin (University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station);10

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Previously Published Citation

Onions on land plowed and unplowed. Trial of cabbage. Syringing with London Purple to kill the Curculio on our native plums. Bagging grapes. Rollingstone plums. Potatoes at different depths. Oak caterpillars. 1890. Saint Paul, Minn.: University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 10, pages 65-84,

Other identifiers

Suggested citation

. (1890). Onions on land plowed and unplowed. Trial of cabbage. Syringing with London Purple to kill the Curculio on our native plums. Bagging grapes. Rollingstone plums. Potatoes at different depths. Oak caterpillars. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/183656.

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