What does it take to discover or falsify Weak Scale SUSY?

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What does it take to discover or falsify Weak Scale SUSY?

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What does it take to discover or falsify weak scale SUSY (WSS)? What are the upper limits to parameter space and sparticle masses? This brings up the naturalness question. The most conservative measure requires weak scale contributions to m(W,Z,h)$ to be comparable to or less than the weak scale. This leads to an upper bound on m(gluino)<~5 TeV. In SUSY models with gaugino mass unification, it seems HL-LHC can just about cover all parameter space. In models such as mirage mediation with a compressed gaugino spectrum, then probably HE-LHC will be required. Alternatively, the ILC e+e- collider, should it be built with E(CM)~0.5-0.6 TeV, would either discover or rule out WSS via the search for higgsino pair production.Dark matter is expected to occur as an axion-higgsino admixture.


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Baer, Howie. (2017). What does it take to discover or falsify Weak Scale SUSY?. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/188196.

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