Climate Change and Energy Security

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Climate Change and Energy Security

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Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey frames the discussion by positing that future policy must make energy must be as secure as possible, as cheap as possible, and as clean as possible. Former New York Governor George Pataki, Reagan National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, and former Asstistant Secretary of Energy Michael Davis discuss what must be done to reach a workable policy for energy security. For further highlights on this panel, read the live blog. PANELISTS J. Michael Davis, Assistant Laboratory Director, Energy and Environment, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (former Assistant Secretary of Energy under President George H.W. Bush) Robert C. (Bud) McFarlane, President, McFarlane Associates, Inc. (former National Security Advisor to President Reagan) George E. Pataki, Chairman, Pataki-Cahill Group (former Governor of New York) R. James Woolsey, Venture Partner, VantagePoint Venture Partners (former Director of Central Intelligence under President Clinton) Moderator: Reid Detchon, Executive Director, Energy and Climate, United Nations Foundation

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Co-sponsored with UN Foundation Better World Fund.

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Jacobs, Lawrence R.. (2008). Climate Change and Energy Security. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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