Before the Negotiations Begin: Minnesota's Budget Deficit and Possible Solutions


Before the Negotiations Begin: Minnesota's Budget Deficit and Possible Solutions

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Minnesota has a projected $5 billion deficit over the next biennium. The House and Senate propose reduced spending without tax increases, while the governor's proposal includes a mixture of spending cuts and an additional tax increase on the state's highest earners. Is there a common ground to be found between the two plans? Will tax increases drive Minnesotans and Minnesota jobs away? Will spending reductions have a disproportionate affect on lower and middle income individuals? Leaders of the state legislature and governor's cabinet assessed the budget decisions and consequences. Additionally, they gave us a snapshot of how this great difference in positions can be bridged. Panelists included: Amy Koch, Minnesota Senator Majority Leader Kurt Zellers, Minnesota House of Representatives Speaker Myron Frans, Commissioner, Department of Revenue Jim Schowalter, Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget The event was moderated by Steve Sviggum, Regent at the University of Minnesota and former Speaker of the Minnesota House.

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Jacobs, Lawrence R. (2011). Before the Negotiations Begin: Minnesota's Budget Deficit and Possible Solutions. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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