Population genetic structure, pollen dispersal, and local adaptation in Quercus oleoides forests of Costa Rica
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Population genetic structure, pollen dispersal, and local adaptation in Quercus oleoides forests of Costa Rica
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Recent and ongoing anthropogenic land use has altered natural landscapes
and resulted in isolated patches of native vegetation across the globe. This
process of habitat fragmentation reduces continuous habitat into small remnants
in a matrix of altered terrain. The impetus for this research was to contribute to
the growing body of work on the effects of habitat fragmentation while
simultaneously gaining a better understanding of the specific role that recent
fragmentation played in the evolution and demography of the most ubiquitous
species in one particular region. My goal was to understand the evolutionary
history of Quercus oleoides in Costa Rica in order to more effectively conserve
and possibly restore the region’s seasonally dry forest in the future. How has the conversion of the seasonally dry forest of Costa Rica to an agricultural mosaic
affected Quercus oleoides (live oak), the dominant tree species of remnant forest
fragments? Although studies addressing the genetic consequences of habitat
fragmentation are becoming more common, assessments of genetic structure
and population viability that inform management decisions for conservation and
restoration are rare. This study combined analyses of genetic diversity, pollen
dispersal, and the growth and survival of various seedling families to provide an
integrated evaluation of the response of a critical dry forest species to
fragmentation and will help guide management and restoration efforts in the Aréa
de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG).
The Q. oleoides forests of Guanacaste province, Costa Rica are something
of a biological enigma: they are geographically disjunct and genetically distinct
from conspecifics and similar species, and geographically quite restricted within
Costa Rica while spanning a broad range of environments and associations
within that range. Quercus oleoides is ectomycorrhizal in a habitat dominated by
endomycorrhizal associations, possesses an atypical developmental process
with regard to germination and emergence system, produces a fruit type that is
extremely rare in the tropics, is wind pollinated in a habitat dominated by insectpollinated
species, is evergreen in a habitat where most species are deciduous
or semi-deciduous, and its reproductive phenology is largely mismatched to the
seasonally dry environment of Guanacaste, producing large crops of dessicationsusceptible
acorns at the beginning of a dry season more severe than what the
species encounters anywhere else in its range.
Despite this seeming mismatch between traits and environment, Q.
oleoides is by far the most common large tree wherever it occurs. As such it is an
extremely important structural species in Guanacaste dry forest. Its seeds are
consumed by a wide range of mammalian and avian seed predators and its
evergreen habit undoubtedly has a large effect on the abiotic environment
experienced by many dry forest organisms.
The subsequent chapters describe three previously unanswered questions
about the past, present, and future status of Q. oleoides in the ACG. In Chapter
1, I characterized the standing genetic diversity of 13 Q. oleoides populations
and the geographic structuring of that diversity. The pattern of that diversity was
compared to geographic distance, flowering time similarity, and environmental
similarity among populations. The structuring of genetic diversity was also
compared between two age cohorts representing pre-fragmentation individuals
and post-fragmentation individuals.
I found that Q. oleoides in Costa Rica contained a high level of genetic
diversity as well as genetic variation that is geographically structured across the
landscape. The degree to which this structuring is due to fragmentation,
however, is small in comparison to the genetic structure that has existed prior to
fragmentation. This is somewhat counterintuitive due to the expectations
provided from population genetic theory that can be applied to fragmented
landscapes. If habitat fragments are isolated from one another such that gene
flow no longer occurs among them, inbreeding may reduce offspring fitness and limit the viability of populations in those fragments. Isolated habitat fragments
then become genetically differentiated over time due to the random process of
genetic drift. Genetic diversity may also be affected because the amount of
genetic variability in a population decreases due to the loss of rare alleles when
the individuals carrying them are removed. This is termed a genetic bottleneck
because the genetic variability of future generations is contained in the few
surviving individuals. Small populations are vulnerable to stochastic
environmental and demographic occurrences because adaptation by an
organism to a changing environment depends on the genetic variability present in
the population. The loss of genetic diversity reduces future evolutionary options
and can lead to extinction.
Population genetic variation consists of the sum of all genetic variation
among individuals within the population. It can be measured by parameters including allelic richness (A) and expected heterozygosity (He). Allelic richness is
the average number of alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity is
compared to expected heterozygosity under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
conditions. Wright’s F-statistics are means of describing how genetic diversity is
partitioned in a population. High values for FST indicate that subpopulations have
very different gene frequencies than the total population. A loss in
heterozygosity can occur with inbreeding due to the higher chance that offspring
of a mating event between two individuals with the same common ancestor may share the same alleles. One method for quantifying genetic variation within
species is to assay highly variable regions of repeated DNA units called
microsatellites. Individuals of a population were characterized by the differences
in length of 11 of these non-coding genetic units.
Although I observed no significant correlations between genetic distance
and geographic distance, flowering time similarity, or environmental similarity in
Chapter 1; I analyzed pollen dispersal more rigorously in Chapter 2 in order to
better calculate contemporary pollen dispersal distance estimates. It is not
unusual for studies of plant populations in fragmented landscapes to report few
of the negative consequences predicted by theory, and that is because pollen
may actually disperse father in fragmented landscapes. My results from two
separate molecular analyses of pollen dispersal distance using 8 of the
microsatellite markers from Chapter 1, however, indicated that the average
pollen dispersal that resulted in viable offspring predominately occurred over very
short distances. Both the paternity exclusion and two-generation methods yielded similarly short dispersal distance estimates. Evidence from the physical
trapping of pollen in one location indicated that pollen was capable of moving
much farther, however, so the importance of long distance pollen dispersal may
rely more on phenology. I observed staminate and pistillate flowering times in 10
sites over two years, but the lack of strong seasonality in flowering obscured any
obvious patterns.
The geographic structuring of genetic diversity and the short average pollen dispersal distance provide a sound foundation for testing for local
adaptation in Q. oleoides populations. In Chapter 3, I compared the growth and
survival of upland and lowland maternal families in their native and foreign
environments. The native environment of the populations of families differs most
notably in their elevations and the lack of precipitation during the 4-5 month dry
season in the lowlands. Seedlings planted in the lowland garden from both
populations experienced a much higher level of mortality than seedlings planted in the upland garden, but using the aster models approach for comparing the
likelihood of various models of combined growth and survival data, we did not
identify evidence for local adaptation. Overall, these experiments indicate that contemporary Q. oleoides in
Costa Rica have a rich and complicated population genetic history that despite
obvious and extensive habitat fragmentation has not severely affected genetic
variation or demographic processes. The long term outlook for the recovery of
the tropical dry forests in general and the Q. oleoides stands, in particular, is
good. Little direct action by managers is required and any active planting efforts
do not seem to be encumbered by site-specific seed requirements. I do
recommend local seed sources, however, out of an abundance of caution.
These results not only add to the field fragmentation studies by examining a common, tropical tree over multiple habitats; this work also provides applicable
information to an actively managed region that is in a transitory successional
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2010. Major: Plant Biological Sciences. Advisor: Jeannine Cavender-Bares. 1 computer file (PDF); xiii, 136 pages, appendices I-II. Ill. (some col.)
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Deacon, Nicholas. (2010). Population genetic structure, pollen dispersal, and local adaptation in Quercus oleoides forests of Costa Rica. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/96190.
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