August 1982 Root River Dye Trace


August 1982 Root River Dye Trace

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Published Date



Journal of Freshwater





In August 1981, a quantitative dye trace of the South Branch of the Root River was conducted to better understand the hydrology of the karst area of southeast Minnesota. Those data and results can be found at A year following the August 1981 trace of the river, an additional trace of South Branch Root River was executed in August 1982 using Rhodamine WT dye. The trace was designed and conducted by E. Calvin Alexander, Jr. of the University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics. Dye was injected into the river August 7, 1982. Samples from surface water stations, springs, and wells were collected for several weeks following the dye injection. Water samples from wells were collected before beginning the trace and for several weeks following dye input. Well samples were included in the trace to better understand the connection between river water and groundwater and resident’s water supply.

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Funding information

Funding for this study was provided by the Freshwater Foundation.

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Suggested citation

Alexander Jr., E Calvin. (1982). August 1982 Root River Dye Trace. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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