OFR18-02, Stratigraphic Positions of Springs in Southeast Minnesota

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OFR18-02, Stratigraphic Positions of Springs in Southeast Minnesota

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Minnesota Geological Survey




Springs are places where groundwater is returned naturally to the surface and are a place to study the state of the groundwater in the aquifer system. In southeast Minnesota, springs are outlets in a conduit flow system in both carbonate and siliciclastic bedrock formations. They provide baseflow for streams and are a critical source of cold, relatively constant temperature water for trout. This report and associated database summarizes the results of various projects, inquiries, and studies over the years during which MGS staff investigated the location and stratigraphic position of southeastern Minnesota springs. It was produced as part of a contract between MDNR and MGS. The primary contract deliverable is a GIS feature class that contains the essential data from our hydrostratigraphic work. We have also placed notes associated with many of our interpretations into Appendix A of this report.


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Series/Report Number

Open File Reports;OFR18-02

Funding information

Funded through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, from the Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative and Citizen’s Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

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Suggested citation

Steenberg, Julia R; Runkel, Anthony C. (2018). OFR18-02, Stratigraphic Positions of Springs in Southeast Minnesota. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/198183.

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