Cultivating Resiliency for Women in Agriculture, Episode 7: Building and Maintaining Relationships in Stressful Times - What's a healthy relationship?
Cultivating Resiliency for Women in Agriculture, Episode 7: Building and Maintaining Relationships in Stressful Times - What's a healthy relationship?
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Please Be Aware: In this episode’s discussion of unhealthy relationships, our hosts address domestic violence at the conclusion of the episode. Today, our hosts Shauna Reitmeier and Brenda Mack discuss relationships--from families, friends, casual, romantic, to the relationship we have with ourselves. All of these types of relationships can have positive attributes and all of these types of relationships can develop negative attributes. How do we identify positive relationships? Shared core values ( can be one key identifier. Building and maintaining healthy, positive relationships with those around us can help us stay resilient in the face of stressful times in agriculture.
Runtime 15:41
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