Seven Topics in Education: A Review of the Literature for School District 112

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Seven Topics in Education: A Review of the Literature for School District 112

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University of Minnesota, Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement




Changes of every sort pose significant challenges to school districts today. It seems each day we are confronted with a new set of concerns, which force us to ponder again the best approach to schooling. Schools today, for instance, are under pressure from all sides to be fiscally efficient, rigorously accountable for student outcomes, and technologically advanced; while at the same time we demand that those schools be safer, more nurturing and also beautifully designed. These elements need not be mutually exclusive - that is to say - they may co-exist. The challenge for decision makers is to strike that perfect balance of benefits, both short and long term, with costs. This document is aimed at addressing seven topic areas in education. It is hoped that the document will stimulate questions, encourage discussion, and provide some guidance for decision making.


Section 1: School Size; Section 2: Class Size; Section 3: Planning and Design; Section 4: Grade Organizations and Transitions; Section 5: Full-Day Kindergarten; Section 6: Multiple Use Facilities; Section 7: Technology in the schools. Schools of Eastern Carver County/School District 112, Minnesota.

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Sheldon, Timothy; Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement. (2001). Seven Topics in Education: A Review of the Literature for School District 112. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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