This codebook.txt file was generated on 20210331 by wilsonkm ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Secretive Marshbird Response to Invasive Wetland Plant Management in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota 2. Author Information Nina M. Hill, University of Minnesota, David E. Andersen, USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlifre Research Unit Douglas H. Johnson, USGS Tom Cooper, USFWS Region 3 3. Date of data collection: 2015-05-20 to 2018-06-20 4. Geographic location of data collection: Prairie Pothole Region, Minnesota, U.S.A. 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Prairie Pothole Joint Venture -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Hill, Nina M; Andersen, David E. (2021). (Thesis) Secretive Marshbird Response to Invasive Wetland Plant Management in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: 5. Was data derived from another source? 3 datasets derived: wet_by_dist_ALL.csv, MPOINT.Target_NWI.csv, MPOINT.Target_deep.csv Source: National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota. 6. Recommended citation for the data: Hill, Nina M; Andersen, David E. (2021). Secretive Marshbird Response to Invasive Wetland Plant Management in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: 01_CountstoDensities.R Short description: Code for converting field detection counts into densities using species-specific habitat-informed detection proabilities. B. Filename: MBIRD.csv Short description: Bird detection records from west-central Minnesota C. Filename: MSURV.csv Short description: Survey visit records from west-central Minnesota D. Filename: wet_by_dist_ALL.csv Short description: Sum of area wetland cover surrounding all survey locations of west-central Minnesota E. Filename: MPOINT.Target_NWI.csv Short description: Area of wetland cover (all wetland types) of the target wetland at each survey location in west-central Minnesota F. Filename: MPOINT.Target_deep.csv Short description: Area of wetland cover (deep and open water wetland types) of the target wetland at each survey location in west-central Minnesota G. Filename: 02_Morris_modeling.R Short description: Code to measure relationships of bird densities to historical management of prescribed fire and grazing. Code to model relationships of bird densities to field-measured and remotely sensed wetland characteristics. H. Filename: MPOINT.density.csv Short description: Original bird densities, output produced by 01_CountstoDensities.R I. Filename: MPOINT.veg.csv Short description: Vegetation and wetland site characteristics from field measurements J. Filename: MPOINT.remote.csv Short description: Cover type and wetland characteristics from remotely sensed imagery K. Filename: 03_NW_herbicide.R Short description: Code to measure effects of herbicide management of cattails in Northwestern Minnesota L. Filename: NWBIRD.csv Short description: Bird detection records from Northwest Minnesota M. Filename: NWSURV.csv Short description: Survey visit records from Northwest Minnesota -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Full details on field survey and analysis methods are described in Hill, Nina M. 2021 Thesis. University of Minnesota. Field surveys for secretive marshbirds were based on guidance from Conway. 2011. Standardized North America Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocol. Waterbirds. also available at North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Program webpage 2. Methods for processing the data: Paper datasheets transcribed into Excel, QAQC and some data cleaning before saving in csv form to manipulate in R 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: R code indicates required processing environment and packages 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: n/a 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: n/a 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Nina Hill, David E. Andersen, Sam Stead, Patricia Rodrigues ----------------------------------------- A. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 01_CountstoDensities.R ----------------------------------------- Description: R script detailing method of transforming field survey counts into densities using habitat-informed detection probabilities. ----------------------------------------- B. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MBIRD.CSV ----------------------------------------- Description: Details on (1514) bird detections from 11-minute call broadcast surveys from 131 survey locations (PointID; not all used in analysis) during breeding seasons 2015 - 2016 in west-central Minnesota (aka. Morris). This full dataset includes target bird species American bittern (AMBI), least bittern (LEBI), pied-billed grebe (PBGR), sora (SORA), and Virginia rail (VIRA), as well as additional marshbird species present during surveys (ex. American coot [AMCO], black tern [BLTE], Wilson's snipe [WISN], yellow-headed blackbird [YHBL]). Columns: Year, Date, Round (1st or 2nd visit in a year), RouteName (9 routes), Obs1 (primary observer), Obs2 (secondary observer), PointOrder (order of survey locations on a route), PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire, Extra High = other combinations of frequency of fire and grazing [this level not used in this analysis]), SurveyID (unique ID for survey record, key to match records of MSURV.csv), DetectionRecID (unique ID for bird detection record), Species (4-letter AOU codes for species), Bearing.Orig (bearing from observer to bird, recorded in field), Bearing (corrected bearing), Distance.Orig (estimated distance from observer to bird, recorded in field), Distance (corrected distance), DistanceAid (0 = no distance aid, 1 = laser rangefinder, 2 = distance bands printed on aerial imagery map), Min1-Min11 and Min1.Occ-Min11.Occ (see below; minutes of survey), OutsideTime.orig (detection code* = bird was detected outside survey time, N = bird was detected during standardized survey), OutsideTime.YN (Y/N, OutsideTime.orig simplified), OutsideTarget (Y/N, observer's estimate if bird was located outside of the treatment area of target wetland), Previous (Y/N observer's estimate if bird was detected from nearby on a previous survey, i.e. is the bird double-counted), Count (estimate of number of individuals present of non-target species), SurveyNotes (observer's notes from field surveys), Broadcast (Broadcast = target species included in broadcasted calls, Secondary = non-target species, NA/No birds detected = no marshbirds birds detected during survey), DataCheck (date of QAQC), DataCheckNotes (notes from QAQC), DetectionR (DetectionRecID-redundant column), IN_NVCS (Y/N, GIS assessment if bird was in the National Vegetation Classification Standard NVCS-boundary of target wetland), IN_NWI16 (Y/N GIS assessment if bird was in the National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota 2016 NWI16-boundary of target wetland), IN_Treat (Y/N GIS assessment if bird was within the polygon boundaries of management), OUT_NOTES (GIS assessment notes) Additional information: Treatment (see thesis manuscript for description of treatment categories; High [frequent fire and some grazing], Moderate [frequent fire], Low [low/no fire], Extra High [additional combinations in frequency of fire and graze; not used in this analysis]) NOTE: in 2015 we conducted 10-minute surveys, but R script adjusts data to align with 11-minute surveys to compare with 2016. Min1-Min11 (see thesis manuscript for broadcast survey description; columns indicate minutes 1 through 11 of broadcast survey and coded values represent how the individual was detected; detection codes: 1 = presence of non-target species, v = visual, alpha codes indicate species call types [ex. pl = AMBI 'pump-er-lunk', ow = PBGR 'owhoop', G = VIRA 'grunt'; see Conway 2011 or North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Program webpage for full description]) Min1.Occ-Min11.Occ (coded from columns Min1:Min11, to indicate 0 = no detection, 1 = detection for each minute of the survey) ----------------------------------------- C. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MSURV.CSV ----------------------------------------- Description: Details and conditions of 373 surveys during breeding seasons 2015 - 2016 in west-central Minnesota. Observers conducted 2 visits to each survey location per year. Columns: SurveyID (unique ID for survey record, key to match records of MBIRD.csv), Year, Date, Round (1st or 2nd visit in a year), RouteName (16 routes), Obs1 (primary observer), Obs2 (secondary observer), PointOrder (order of survey locations on a route), PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire, Extra High = other combinations of frequency of fire and grazing [this level not used in this analysis]), SunTime (local sunrise or sunset time), Time1 (AM = morning survey period, PM = evening survey period), WindSpeed (miles per hour; measured from Kestrel wind meter), WindDir (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or as degree bearing; direction wind is traveling in), Temp (temperature degrees Fahrenheit; measured from Kestrel wind meter), SkyCode (0 = clear or few clouds, 1 = partly cloudy or variable sky, 2 = cloudy or overcast, 3 = sand or dust storm, 4 = fog/smoke, 5 = drizzle, 6 = snow, 7 = snow/sleet, 8 = showers), NoiseLevel (decibels; measured by handheld sound meter), NoiseCode (0 = no noise, 1 = faint noise, 2 = moderate noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 100m, 3 = loud noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 50m, 4 = intense noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 25m, NA = not recorded), Notes.Noise (observer's notes on intensity, duration, source of noise), StartTime (survey start time, i.e. begin minute 1), SpeciesTargetWetland (list of species observed at target survey location during survey), SpeciesinArea (list of species observed outside the survey location during survey), Notes.Survey (observer's notes from field survey, indicating noise disturbances, conditions of site, etc.), Notes3 (additional processing notes), DataCheckDate (date of QAQC), DataEntryNotes (notes on QAQC), TargetWetID (identifier for GIS polygon of target survey location), WetlandID (identifier for GIS polygon of target survey location), OtherWet (identifier for nearby wetlands GIS polygons), OutTarget (Y/N/NA, notes from GIS assessment indicating if birds often detected outside the target survey location), WetCONF (notes from GIS assessment to indicate confidence in field observer's OutsideTarget records), NotesIN.OUT (notes from GIS assessment indicating possible outside target wetland locations of detected birds) Additional variable information: Name: PointID Description: Identifier for the point survey location associated with the wetland, a number and treatment letter (E=ExtraHigh, i.e. High frequency fire and some grazing; L=Low frequency fire; M=Moderate frequency fire; H=High frequency fire) Values: 101E, 101H, 101M, 103H, 105H, 108H, 108L, 109L, 110H, 112L, 114L, 11M, 129L, 139L, 1540H, 15E, 186L, 187L, 1E, 1M, 2013H, 2014H, 2028H, 217H, 223H, 22H, 2322H, 2325H, 2345H, 235L, 23H, 24E, 251L, 252L, 271L, 278L, 281L, 293H, 2E, 300H, 323L, 377L, 380L, 384L, 387L, 388L, 389L, 406M, 407L, 408L, 410L, 412L, 414L, 423M 43M 449M 44M 455M 474E 474M 47L 484E 485L 488L 48L 49M 501L 502L 505L 52L 53L 54M 550L 56L 56M 571L 5M 601L 607L 620L 625L 65L 66L 66M 67M 68L 68M 699M 69L 70L 73H 74E 75M 77E 77H 77M 78E 78H 78M 7M, 800E, 802E, 807E, 80H, 81H, 82H, 82M, 84H, 85E, 85H, 85M, 87M, 888H, 88M, 891H, 89H, 89M, 8E, 901M, 90H, 90M, 92H, 96M, 97H, 98H, 99H, 99L, 9M Name: RouteName Description: Name of the route, i.e. group of point survey locations visited together during an AM or PM survey; named after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Production Area with high frequency fire management Values: Artichoke Lake, Barry Lake, Benson Lake, Big Stone Lake NWR, Edwards, Hegland, Hillman, Johnson, Kufrin, Mero, Pedersen, Prairie, Red Head, Rothi, Stenerson Lake, Twin Lakes, Westport Name: Treatment Description: Category of management history at the wetland, related to frequency and type of management (prescribed fire or prescribed fire and grazing) during 2000-2015 Values: E = Extra, i.e. High frequency fire and some grazing; L = Low frequency fire; M = Moderate frequency fire; H = High frequency fire ----------------------------------------- D. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: wet_by_dist_ALL.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Area of all (both target and non-target wetlands) wetland cover within 23-m distance bands summed across all survey locations. Derived in GIS using National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota 2016, and supplemented from other sources including USFWS National Wetland Inventory 19xx, USFWS National Vegetation Classification Standard, digitized USGS topographic maps. Columns: BuffOuter (outer distance of 23-meter distance bands/buffer), wetdistALL (area of all wetland cover types), wetHAdeep (area of deep and open water wetland cover types) ----------------------------------------- E. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MPOINT.Target_NWI.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: GIS area measure (hectares) of target wetland cover (all types) from National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota 2016 within 23-meter distance bands surrounding each survey location. Columns: PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire), WetHA_23, WetHA_46, WetHA_69, WetHA_92, WetHA_115, WetHA_138, WetHA_161, WetHA_184, WetHA_207, WetHA_230, WetHA_253, WetHA_276, WetHA_299, WetHA_322, WetHA_345, WetHA_368, WetHA_391, WetHA_414, WetHA_437, WetHA_460, WetHA_483, WetHA_506, WetHA_529, WetHA_552, WetHA_575, WetHA_598, TotwetHA (sum of target wetland cover up to 600-m radius from survey location), TotHA (duplicate of TotwetHA), RouteName (9 routes of grouped survey locations) ----------------------------------------- F. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MPOINT.Target_deep.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: GIS area measure (hectares) of target wetland cover (deep water and open water types only) from National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota 2016 within 23-meter distance bands surrounding survey locations with deep and open water wetland types (i.e. other survey locations with only wet meadow or other wetland types not included). Columns: PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire), WetHA_BuffOuter23, WetHA_BuffOuter46, WetHA_BuffOuter69, WetHA_BuffOuter92, WetHA_BuffOuter115, WetHA_BuffOuter138, WetHA_BuffOuter161, WetHA_BuffOuter184, WetHA_BuffOuter207, WetHA_BuffOuter230, WetHA_BuffOuter253, WetHA_BuffOuter276, WetHA_BuffOuter299, WetHA_BuffOuter322, WetHA_BuffOuter345, WetHA_BuffOuter368, WetHA_BuffOuter391, WetHA_BuffOuter414, WetHA_BuffOuter437, WetHA_BuffOuter460, WetHA_BuffOuter483, WetHA_BuffOuter506, WetHA_BuffOuter529, WetHA_BuffOuter552, WetHA_BuffOuter575, WetHA_BuffOuter598 ----------------------------------------- G. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 02_Morris_modeling.R ----------------------------------------- Description: R code to assess marshbird densities per survey location in relation to treatment type; R code to assess marshbird densities in relation to wetland characterstics from both remotely sensed and field observed measures. ----------------------------------------- H. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MPOINT.density.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Estimated marshbird densities per survey location and visit during 2015 - 2016 in west-central Minnesota (256 survey-visits records), sum of habitat-informed detection probability adjusted field counts up to species cutoff distance, and sum of wetland cover (hectares; all types) surrounding survey locations up to radial cutoff distance for each species. Columns: PointID (unique ID for survey locations), RouteName (9 routes of grouped survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire), Year, A.sumadjtocut.CT90BinHigh (adjusted count of American bittern), AMBI_WetHA (sum of wetland cover up to 253 m), AMBI_dens (habitat-informed detection probability adjusted bird density), P.sumadjtocut.CT90BinHigh (adjusted count of pied-billed grebe), PBGR_WetHA (sum of wetland cover up to 345 m), PBGR_dens (estimated bird density), S.sumadjtocut.CT90BinHigh (adjusted count of sora), SORA_WetHA (sum of wetland cover up to 207 m), SORA_dens, V.sumadjtocut.CT90BinHigh (adjusted count of Virginia rail, VIRA_WetHA (sum of wetland cover up to 115 m), VIRA_dens, P2.sumadjtocut.CT90BinHigh (adjusted count of pied-billed grebe), PBGR2_WetHA (sum of wetland cover up to 345 m), PBGR2_dens ----------------------------------------- I. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MPOINT.veg.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Field measured wetland characteristics observed in May - July of 2015 and 2016 in west-central Minnesota. Measured at variable number of plots and normalized to target wetland, i.e. survey location PointID, level. Columns: PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (High = frequent fire and some grazing, Moderate = frequent fire, Low = low/no fire), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Year, WAT01 (surface water present), SAT01 (saturated ground present), BLAD01 (bladderwort Utricularia sp. present), WOODY01 (woody vegetation species present), LIT01 (unattached residual vegetation, i.e. litter, present), DEAD01 (standing dead residual vegatation present), RECA01 (reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea present), WATP (proportion of plots at target wetland withwater at pole), SATP (proportion of plots with standing water at pole), BLADP (proportion of plots where bladderwort present), WOODYP (proportion of plots where woody vegetation present), LITP (proportion of plots where litter present), DEADP (proportion of plots with standing dead vegetation present), WATDMEAN (mean of water depth m across plots), WATDMIN (minimum water depth m across plots), WATDMAX (maximum water depth m across plots), WATDRANGE (range of water depth m across plots), WATDsd (standard deviation of WATDMEAN), LITMEAN (mean of litter depth m across plots), LITMAX (maximum litter depth m across plots), LITsd (standard deviation of LITMEAN), LITcv (coefficient of variation of litter depth across plots), DEADMEAN (mean of dead standing vegetation height m across plots), DEADMAX (maximum dead standing vegetation height m across plots), DEADsd (standard deviation of HGTMAXMEAN0), HGTMAXMEAN0 (mean of maximum height m of live standing vegetation across plots, including 0 no vegetation), HGTMAXMAX (maximum height m across plots of live standing vegetation), HGTMAXsd (standard deviation of HGTTMAXMEAN1), HGTMAXMEAN1 (mean of maximum height m live standing vegetation across plots, where vegetation present), HIVOmean (mean across plots of high visual obstruction measure m [Robel]), HIVOsd (standard deviation of HIVOmean), LOVOmean (mean across plots of low visual obstruction measure m [Robel]), LOVOsd (standard deviation of LOVOmean), DOMSP (most dominant species, i.e. species recorded most often across plots at wetland; typically cattail), DOMNO (number of plots where DOMSP present in target wetland), TouchALLmean (mean touches across plots of all species live vegetation touching vertical 1.5-m-pole), TouchALLsd (standard deviation of TouchTYsd), N.plotsTYtouch (number of plots with cattail Typha spp. touching), TouchTYmean (mean number of touches of cattail at 1.5 pole across plots), TouchTYsd (standard deviation of TouchTYmean), M.TouchTY.L (mean number of touches of cattail at low section [0-0.5 m] pole), M.TouchTY.M (mean number of touches of cattail at middle section [0.5-1 m] pole), M.TouchTY.H (mean number of touches of cattail at high section [1-1.5 m] pole), N.Species (sum of number of unique vegetation species recorded across all plots) Additional information: LIT measures of litter or unattached, horizontal, layered dead vegetation. DEAD measures indicate standing or vertical residual dead vegetation, typically cattails; indication of vegetation structure at wetland, cover for marshbirds. HIVO, LOVO, visual obstruction measures from Robel. TouchTY variables indication of vegetation density along vertical gradient; adaptation of step-point method Evans. ----------------------------------------- J. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: MPOINT.remote.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Land cover and wetland charactersitics derived from remotely sensed imagery. First set of detailed wetland areas measured in GIS using NWI Minnesota 2016 classifications; detailed land cover areas measured in GIS using derived classifications of USFWS aerial imagery (using eCognition software) informed from USFWS NVCS and NWI Minnesota 2016 polygon features. Columns: PointID (unique ID for survey locations), [sum hectares of NWI cover classes at target wetland] Targ.Seasonallyflooded, Targ.Wetmeadow, Targ.Shallowmarsh, Targ.Shallowopenwater, Targ.Deepmarsh, Extent (distance from survey location to farthest point across of NWI boundary for target wetland), DiversSimple2 (diversity in number of wetland SIMPLE classes present), DiversPEM (diversity in number of wetland Cowardin classes present), [proportion of wetland area with NWI modifiers] NWImodA.prop, NWImodB.prop, NWImodC.prop, NWImodF.prop, NWImodH.prop, [sum of target wetland polygons within 600 and 100 m of survey location] TargWetHA600, TargWetHA100, TargProp100 (proportion of area within 100-m radius of survey location that is target wetland cover NWI all classes), [sum of all wetland polygons within 600 and 100 m of survey location] AllWetHA600, AllWetHA100, AllProp600 (proportion of area within 100-m radius of survey location that is all wetland cover NWI all classes), Targ.covShrubwet01 (1 = shrub or woody wetland cover type present at target wetland, 0 = not present), [proportion of target wetland polygon that is NWI wetland class] PTarg.Seasonallyflooded, PTarg.Wetmeadow, PTarg.Shallowmarsh, PTarg.Shallowopenwater, PTarg.Deepmarsh, PTarg.Hardwoodwetland, PTarg.Shrubwetland, NVCStype (coded value indicating NVCS classes 1-4), WetHA (sum of wetland cover area hectares from old NWI), WetACRE (sum of wetland cover area acres from old NWI), Hemimarsh (coded value indicating visual estimation of ratio open water to emergent vegetation cover from 1 = not dispersed, to 12 = most dispersed/intermixed), Edge_leng (length of NWI wetland polygon edge m), Ratio_edge (length edge / total area), EdgeratioDJ (ratio of edge to area suggested by DJ), Logallwet600 (log of all wetland cover area ha within 600 m), Logtargwet (log of target wetland cover), [eCognition-derived land cover classes, area hectares within 600-m of survey location] Forest.ShrubWet, Developed, Row crops, Farmed wetland, Hay and Pasture, Managed grass, Forest, Shrub, Open water, Wetland seasonally, Wetland shallow marsh, Wetland emergent, Wetland deep marsh, Wetland open water, Wetland woody, [eCognition-derived land cover classes, proportion of area within 600-m of survey location] Developed_prop, Rowcrops_prop, Farmedwetland_prop, Hayand Pasture_prop, Managedgrass_prop, Forest_prop, Shrub_prop, Openwater_prop, Wetlandseasonally_prop, Wetlandshallow marsh_prop, Wetlandemergent_prop, Wetlanddeep marsh_prop, Wetlandopen water_prop, Wetlandwoody_prop, RatioopenDIVemerg (ratio of open water to emergent vegetation, from eCog classes), RatioopenPDIVemergP (ratio of open water to emergent vegetation of deep and open water cover classes, to explore related pied-billed grebe) ----------------------------------------- K. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 03_NW_herbicide.R ----------------------------------------- Description: R script to clean and format bird counts from breeding seasons 2015 - 2018 and assess effects of herbicide treatment of cattails Typha spp. in Northwestern Minnesota (before-after control-impact BACI study design). ----------------------------------------- L. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: NWBIRD.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Details on (1635) bird detections from 11-minute call broadcast surveys from 6 survey locations (PointID; not all used in analysis) during breeding seasons 2015 - 2018 in Northwestern Minnesota. This full dataset includes target bird species American bittern (AMBI), least bittern (LEBI), pied-billed grebe (PBGR), sora (SORA), and Virginia rail (VIRA), as well as additional marshbird species present during surveys (ex. American coot [AMCO], black tern [BLTE], Wilson's snipe [WISN], yellow-headed blackbird [YHBL]). Columns: SurveyID (unique ID for survey record, key to match records of NWSURV.csv), DetectionRecID (unique ID for bird detection record), Year, SurvDate (survey date), Round (1st or 2nd visit in a year), Time (AM = morning survey period, PM = evening survey period), PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Species (4-letter AOU codes for species), BearOrig (bearing from observer to bird, recorded in field), DistOrig (estimated distance from observer to bird, recorded in field), Bearing (corrected bearing), Distance (corrected distance), DistanceAid (0 = no distance aid, 1 = laser rangefinder, 2 = distance bands printed on aerial imagery map), Min1-Min11 (minutes of survey; see below), OutTimeOrig (detection code* = bird was detected outside survey time, N = bird was detected during standardized survey), OutTargetOrig (bird was detected outside of the target wetland and/or treatment area), PreviousOrig (observer's note Y/N if bird was detected during previous survey, i.e. double-counted), OutsideTime (Y/N, OutsideTime.orig simplified), OutTimeONLY (Y/N, OutsideTime.orig simplified to indicate if species was ONLY recorded outside of survey time and should be dropped from analysis), OutTarget (Y/N, OutTargetOrig simplified), Previous (Y/N, PreviousOrig simplified), SurvCount (estimate of number of individuals of record), Notes (observer's notes from field surveys), DataCheck (date and initials of QAQC), DataNotes (notes from QAQC) Additional information: Round (1st and 2nd surveys conducted in 2015 and 2016, single survey visit in 2017 and 2018 that aligned with timing of 2nd surveys in previous years) Min1-Min11 (see thesis manuscript for broadcast survey description; columns indicate minutes 1 through 11 of broadcast survey and coded values represent how the individual was detected; detection codes: 1 = presence of non-target species, v = visual, alpha codes indicate species call types [ex. pl = AMBI 'pump-er-lunk', ow = PBGR 'owhoop', G = VIRA 'grunt'; see Conway 2011 or North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Program webpage for full descriptions]) ----------------------------------------- M. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: NWSURV.csv ----------------------------------------- Description: Details and conditions of 373 surveys during breeding seasons 2015 - 2016 in west-central Minnesota. Observers conducted 2 visits to each survey location per year. Columns: SurveyID (unique ID for survey record, key to match records of NWBIRD.csv), Year, Date, Round (1st or 2nd visit in a year), Time1 (AM = morning survey period, PM = evening survey period), Obs1 (primary observer), Obs2 (secondary observer), RouteName (9 routes), SunTime (local sunrise or sunset time), SiteName (same as RouteName), PointOrder (order of survey locations on a route), PointID (unique ID for survey locations), Treatment (Control = no herbicide, Spray = received herbicide), WindSpeed (miles per hour; measured from Kestrel wind meter), WindDir (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or as degree bearing; direction wind is traveling in), Temp (temperature degrees Fahrenheit; measured from Kestrel wind meter), SkyCode (0 = clear or few clouds, 1 = partly cloudy or variable sky, 2 = cloudy or overcast, 3 = sand or dust storm, 4 = fog/smoke, 5 = drizzle, 6 = snow, 7 = snow/sleet, 8 = showers), NoiseLevel (decibels; measured by handheld sound meter), NoiseCode (0 = no noise, 1 = faint noise, 2 = moderate noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 100m, 3 = loud noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 50m, 4 = intense noise/probably can't hear some birds beyond 25m, NA = not recorded), Notes.Noise (observer's notes on intensity, duration, source of noise), StartTime (survey start time, i.e. begin minute 1), SpeciesTargetWetland (list of species observed at target survey location during survey), SpeciesinArea (list of species observed outside the survey location during survey), Notes (observer's notes from field survey, indicating noise disturbances, conditions of site, etc.), ImageID (reference file name/number for photo taken at start of survey), DataCheckDate (date of QAQC), DataEntryNotes (notes on QAQC) Additional information: Name: RouteName Description: Name of the route, i.e. group of point survey locations visited together during an AM or PM survey; named after Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) Values: Beaches Lake, East Park, Eckvoll, Elm Lake, Manston (dropped from analysis), Pembina, Roseau River East, Roseau River West, Thief Lake, Twin Lakes *END************