This readme.txt file was generated on 20230312 by Nichole Angell ( and Alex Bajcz ( Recommended citation for the data: in progress ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: AIS Explorer: Intervention Impact - An application for planning cost-effective AIS prevention programs 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Nicholas Phelps Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Address: 2003 Upper Buford Circle, Skok Hall 135, St. Paul, MN 55108 ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Nichole Angell Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Address: 2003 Upper Buford Circle, Skok Hall 135, St. Paul, MN 55108 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Alex Bajcz Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Address: 2003 Upper Buford Circle, Skok Hall 135, St. Paul, MN 55108 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Amy Kinsley Institution: University of Minnesota, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine Address: 1365 Gortner Avenue St. Paul, MN, 55108 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Reuben Keller Institution: Loyola University Chicago, Department of Environmental Science Address: 6349 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. USA. Email: ORCID: 3. Date published or finalized for release: expected February 2024 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) December 2021-April 2022 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): zoom interviews and emails 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: in progress 7. Overview of the data (abstract): The movement of aquatic invasive species (AIS) between waterbodies is often facilitated by overland transport on recreational boats. Once established, AIS can have detrimental ecological effects that are difficult or impossible to manage. Prevention is the most cost-effective AIS intervention strategy, with many management agencies focused on implementing spread prevention techniques such as boater education, watercraft inspection, and hot water decontamination. Given resource constraints, deciding which spread prevention techniques to implement and where to place them is a decision fraught with uncertainty. . In this study, we collected data for, developed, and tested, a new application entitled “Intervention Impact” for the AIS Explorer, an online AIS program-planning dashboard ( The application assists AIS managers by simulating scenarios derived from user-defined lake-level budgets, effort, and effectiveness of interventions, enabling them to make comparisons. The outputs provide estimates for risk reduction and infestations averted for both zebra mussel and starry stonewort in Minnesota lakes. We demonstrate the utility of this application using the conditions of Cass County, Minnesota, USA as a case study. Our simulation outputs highlight the tradeoffs of each prevention strategy applied given budget constraints and demonstrate that value of a data-driven approach to guide the implementation of cost-effective prevention plans. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: in progress 3. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- There are more files provided in the archive than are fully discussed below. However, all those not specifically described in this section are referenced, described, or created in the files listed below. 1. File List A. Filename: Sample Workflow.Rmd Short description/contents:This RMarkdown file demonstrates an entire sample workflow using all the functions, scripts, datasets, and other inputs contained in this repository except for files J-N. below. It also shows a typical use case for these tools, one that mirrors their use in the Intervention Impact tab on AIS Explorer. Many of the required inputs and parameters of the simulation model (represented by the AIS_intervention_sim function generated in the AIS Explorer Risk Mitigation Simulation V2.R file) are discussed or summarized here, and many optional toggles and other features are alluded to or demonstrated explicitly. Because running this file would necessarily load all other dependencies in this repository (except for files I.- M. below), it is highly recommended that users begin their exploration of this repository with this file--they may have little need to engage with most other files unless they want to dive deeper into the mechanics of the model itself. B. Filename: AIS Explorer Risk Mitigation Simulation V2.R Short description/content:This R script file contains the code for the AIS_intervention_sim function, which is the function that performs the simulations that undergird the Intervention Impact tab on AIS Explorer. As such, it is the "main event" of the repository, so to speak and would be a key file to consult if a user wishes to understand the inner workings of the simulation model in greater depth. However, consider decision-making and preprocessing actually happens in upstream files (see C. below), so consultation of additional files may be needed to understand certain conventions and data structures relied upon by this file, as these are not discussed here. C. Filename: make_edgelist.R, make_habsuit.R, make_river_edgelist.R, and process_edgelist.R Short description/content: These R Script files each produce one required function needed to generate or pre-process inputs needed by the AIS_intervention_sim function generated in the AIS Explorer Risk Mitigation Simulation V2.R file. As such, they can be seen as pre-requisites/dependencies for running the simulation model "from scratch." The files themselves also provide added context for some of the required inputs of the model as well as some of its optional toggles. The ultimate shared goal of these files is to ensure the inputs are in the most advanced state possible prior to commencing the simulation so that the simulation function needs to perform as few operations as possible, in the interests of efficiency. D. Filename: Cleaned initial infection statuses.R, example intlist.R, and stochast_prob_samples.R Short description/content: These 3 R Script files contain additional code needed to generate or preprocess some inputs needed by the functions listed above. E. Filename:gen_costtable.R and gen_resultdists.R Short description/content: These optional R Script files provide exemplar code like that used to handle user-provided intervention cost data (in the former case), as seen on the costs subtab of the Intervention Impact tab on AIS Explorer or like that used to generate expressive output figures, as seen in the reports generated by the Intervention Impact tab. The sample workflow file (A. above) uses the latter to demonstrate a typical use case for these tools. F. Filename: hab_suit_scores.csv, Infection statuses.csv, infwaters22.csv, param.csv, and river_net_sim.csv Short description/content: These .CSV format files are explained in greater detail in the DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION sections below. For the most part, these are input files providing information on habitat suitability values for lakes for each invasive species, on infestation statuses of lakes at time of writing, or on probabilities of spread of invasives between pairs of lakes in the state. G. Filename: dow_boats.RDS, default_habsuit_real, inf_status_int, sample_intlist, and stochast_prob_dists Short description/content: These are .RDS format files, a format used by R to efficiently store tabular data as an alternative to e.g., .csv format. Like the files listed above in item #6, these are generally either inputs to the functions mentioned above or else are used within the sample workflow to provide a complete example use case of the tools presented in this repository--they are described in detail in the files in which they are used/created. H. Filename: Short description/content: These are products of an earlier study (Kinsley et al., see REFERENCES below); they are the estimated numbers of boat trips occurring between every pair of lakes in the state of Minnesota yearly, as predicted by a machine learning model. I. Filename: add_intlist.R Short description/content: This file contains code that converts user defined effort and effectivness values into probabilites that are loaded into the nework edgelist to be used in the simulation model for its further operations. J. Filename: COST_DATASET.csv Short description/content: Contains itemized cost information obtained from county AIS managers in Minnesota. This spreadsheet gives detailed information on the exact costs and number of interventions being completed in 19 counties in Minnesota that we held interviews with. J. Filename: inspection_and_decon_removal.csv Short description/content: Contains the results obtained from a separate study completed by Angell et al. 2023 ( This study examined the effectiveness of AIS removal efforts by boater, inspectors, and decontaminators from a boat that was purposely planted with AIS. This spreadsheet contains removal estimates and as well as where participants were looking and touching on the boat. L. Filename: 2019-2021_countyspending_allcounties.csv Short description/content: Contains data obtained from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource's Voluntary Reporting System. Counties report to the DNR how much they are spending on their AIS prevention program plans. This spreadsheet contains how much money each county in Minnesota is allocated from the state as well as how much of that they are saving or spending in years 2019-2021. M. Filename: scenarios.csv Short description/content: Contains data obtained after running hypothetical spending scenarios for Cass County through the AIS explorer ( This spreadsheet gives the spending scenarios being applied to the county and what costs that amounts to for each of 3 interventions being applied (boater education, watercraft inspection, hot water decontamination). Outputs from those spending scenarios are reported as the number of zebra mussel or starry stonewort infestations or infestations averted along with confidence interval bounds. N. Filename: COSTS_FINAL.rmd Short description/content: Contains the code used to obtain cost estimates and figures. This file contains code run in the program R that was used to calculate cost estimates and create visualizations of results for publication. 2. Relationship between files: Files A-I: Files D, G, and H are largely inputs to the simulation model featured on the Intervention Impact tab of AIS Explorer. Files B and C represent the files of that simulation model, and files D and E help to integrate cost data into the Intervention Impact tab and also provide summary measurements of intervention effectiveness. File A demonstrates a full model use case, incorporating most of the other files listed and showing how they relate to one another–interested parties can refer to this file for more details. Files J-N: Data obtained from the voluntary reported information from the MN DNR were used to determine which counties to host interviews with to gather itemized cost information as well as get a general idea of spending trends for MN counties on their AIS prevention plans. They hypothetical scenarios run through the AIS explorer for Cass County were used to showcase the applications abilities in prevention planning. The AIS removal data obtained from Angell et. al 2023 were used to compare and contrast the cost-effectiveness of AIS preventions in each county. The R code can be used to recreate any calculations or figures created as part of this study. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Please see Angell et al. 2024 for a complete description of methods 2. Methods for processing the data: For files A-I above: Programs were written for Program R (R Core Team 2023), and all packages used are noted in each of the R files included towards the top of the script file. All code in this repository can be run in under two hours total on a computer with the following specifications: R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 11 x64 (build 22621) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8 time zone: America/Chicago tzcode source: internal attached base packages: [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] truncnorm_1.0-9 doParallel_1.0.17 iterators_1.0.14 foreach_1.5.2 [5] tidyr_1.3.0 magrittr_2.0.3 dplyr_1.1.3 data.table_1.14.8 [9] igraph_1.5.1 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] vctrs_0.6.3 cli_3.6.1 knitr_1.44 rlang_1.1.1 [5] xfun_0.40 purrr_1.0.2 generics_0.1.3 glue_1.6.2 [9] htmltools_0.5.6 fansi_1.0.4 rmarkdown_2.25 evaluate_0.22 [13] tibble_3.2.1 fastmap_1.1.1 yaml_2.3.7 lifecycle_1.0.3 [17] compiler_4.3.1 codetools_0.2-19 pkgconfig_2.0.3 rstudioapi_0.15.0 [21] digest_0.6.33 R6_2.5.1 tidyselect_1.2.0 utf8_1.2.3 [25] pillar_1.9.0 tools_4.3.1 Additionally, the following commands run on the computer in question yielded additional specifications information: > library(benchmarkme) > get_ram() 17 GB > get_cpu() $vendor_id [1] "GenuineIntel" $model_name [1] "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz" $no_of_cores [1] 12 For files I-N above: All raw data cost data was collected and/or extracted virtually via a excel spreadsheet shared with interviewees. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: The data were interpreted in RStudio version 4.1.3. and FLIR Thermal Studio Standard Version. 4. Environmental/experimental conditions: Experiments occurred at public water access sites in Minnesota and Wisconsin in the summer months of June to August when weather was permittable. 5. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Nichole Angell held interviews with all counties and state personnel that shared data. Nineteen county AIS managers and 1 state employee participated in the interview/email process but will remain anonymous. Alex Bajcz wrote code and processed the data associated with files A-I above. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Infection statuses.csv ----------------------------------------- Number of variables: 6 Number of cases/rows: 9696 Variable List: A. DOW = The unique 8 digit code (DOW) for the waterbody, as assigned by the state of Minnesota. B. lake_name = One local name for the lake (if there is one). C-F. zm2019, ss2019, ew2019, and sf2019 = The infestation statuses of each lake, based on 2019 data, for zebra mussel, starry stonewort, Eurasian watermilfoil, and spiny waterflea, respectively. 1 indicates infestation, 0 indicates no infestation. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: infwaters22.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 1257 3. Variable List: A. Listed for aquatic invasive species = Indicator of which invasive species the listing is for. These data were pulled from the MN DNR's Infested Waters list in March of 2022 and are a modest cleaning of those data pulled at that time. B. DOW = The unique 8 digit code (DOW) for the waterbody, as assigned by the state of Minnesota. C. DOW number = Irrelevant--the same as the previous column but generally omitting the last two digits, indicating subbasins in lakes without any. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: param.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows: 132000 3. Variable List: A-F: factor_ss, e_violate_zm, e_violate_ss, river_inf_zm, river_inf_ss, back_suit_zm, back_suit_ss = Parameter estimate samples from a posterior distribution yielded by a Bayesian predictive model (see Kinsley et al. below). Names here are the same used in that paper. These parameters relate to the innate or naive probability that a given edge will successfully transmit a new infestation of starry stonewort (ss) or zebra mussel (zm) over a given time frame, assuming that edge is "risky." Please consult the reference listed for details. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: river_net_sim.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 88862 3. Variable List: A. weight = A measure of the length of a river or other waterbody feature connecting the two waterbodies in question. See Kinsley et al. in the references for more details. B. dow.origin = The originating (upstream) lake in a given edge. "dow" is as described previously. C. dow.destiation = The receiving (downstream) lake in a given edge. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: hab_suit_scores.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 9183 3. Variable List: A. lake = The unique 8 digit code (DOW) for the waterbody, as assigned by the state of Minnesota. B. zm = "Zebra mussel." A value between 0 and 1, where values towards 1 indicate greater suitability of the lake in question to infestation by Zebra Mussels. C. ss = "Starry stonewort." A value between 0 and 1, where values towards 1 indicate greater suitability of the lake in question to infestation by Starry Stonewort. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: COST_DATASET.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 48 2. Number of cases/rows: 20 3. Variable List A. Name: County ID Description: unique ID for each county that provided useable data after a 1 hour zoom interview to gather itemized AIS program spending information. B. Name: level1_costs Description: Estimated total amount spent by each county on watercraft inspectors, calculated by adding up itemized spending information for level 1 watercraft inspectors. C. Name: level2_costs Description: Estimated total amount spent by each county on watercraft decontaminators, calculated by adding up itemized spending information for level 2 watercraft decontaminators. D. Name: education_outreach_costs Description: Estimated total amount spent by each county on boater education and outreach, calculated by adding up itemized spending information for boater education and outreach. E. Name: amount_level1_inspectors Description: Estimated total amount of watercraft inspectors hired by each county. F. Name: amount_level2_inspectors Description: Estimated total amount of watercraft decontaminators hired by each county in 2021 G. Name: registered_boaters Description: Estimated total amount of registered boaters in each county in 2021 H. Name: inspections_completed Description: Estimated total amount of watercraft inspections completed in each county in 2021. I. Name: decontaminations_completed Description: Estimated total amount of watercraft decontaminations completed in each county in 2021. J. Name: boating_trips Description: Estimated total amount of boater trips experienced in each county in 2021. K. Name: cost_per_boater Description: Estimated cost per educating each boater in each county (column D - column G). L. Name: cost_per_lvl Description: Estimated cost per inspector in each county (column B - column E). M. Name: cost_per_lvl2 Description: Estimated cost per decontaminator in each county (column C - column F). N. Name: cost_per_trip Description: Estimated cost per each educated boater trip in each county (column D - column J). O. Name: cost_per_inspection Description: Estimated cost per watercraft inspection completed in each county (column B - column H). P. Name: cost_per_decontamination Description: Estimated cost per hot water decontamination in each county (column C - column I). Q. Name: avg_allocation Description: Average amount of money allocated to each county (years 2019-2021). R. Name: avg_spent Description: Average amount of money spent by each county (years 2019-2021). S. Name: lvl1_salary Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspector salary by each county. T. Name: lvl1_supplies Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspector supplies (disposable/lasting a year or less) by each county. U. Name: lvl1_equipment Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspector equipment (lasting more than a year) by each county. V. Name: lvl1_admin Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspector administration by each county. W. Name: lvl1_travel Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspector travel/mileage by each county. X. Name: lvl1_other Description: Estimate of the total amount spent on watercraft inspectors in each county for any other itemized expense other than those in columns S- Y. Name: bucket_wt Description: binary removal ranking for the residual water placed in the bait bucket (1=removed, 0=not removed) Z. Name: percent_removed Description: percent of AIS removed from the boat during an experimental AIS removal trial (0-100%) AA. Name: axle_s Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AB. Name: frame_s Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer frame on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AC. Name: hull_s Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat hull on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AD. Name: rollers_s Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer rollers on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AE. Name: wheels_s Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer wheels on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AF. Name: spare_tire Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the spare tire on the boat trailer (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AG. Name: winch Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer winch (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AH. Name: bow_line Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the bow line/rope (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AI. Name: axle_p Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AJ. Name: frame_p Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer frame on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AK. Name: hull_p Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat hull on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AL. Name: rollers_p Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer rollers on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AM. Name: wheels_p Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer wheels on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AN. Name: floor Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat interior floor (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AO. Name: anchor Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat anchor (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AP. Name: fishing_rod Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the fishing rod inside the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AQ. Name: bait_bucket Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the bait bucket inside the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AR. Name: transom_well Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat transom well(O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AS. Name: compartments Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat's interior compartments (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AT. Name: intake_valve Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor's water intake valve (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AU. Name: drain_plug Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boats drain plug (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AV. Name: motor_mount Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boats motor mount (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AW. Name: transducer Description:action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the boat's transducer (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AX. Name: propeller Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor propeller (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AY. Name: lower_unit Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor lower unit (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AZ. Name: lights_wiring Description: action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailers lights and wiring underneath the wheel cover (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) BA. Name: tow_rope Description:action that a participant took during their experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the tow rope (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: inspection_and_decon_removal.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 53 2. Number of cases/rows: 144 3. Variable List A. Name: ID Description: unique ID for each participant that completed an experimental AIS removal process (1-144) B. Name: region Description: region the participant completed thier AIS removal process in (metro=within the Minneapolis/Saint Paul region; outstate= outside of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul region) C. Name: county Description: county the participant completed thier AIS removal process in D. Name: access Description: public water access site or centralized decontamination site that the participant completed thier AIS removal process at E. Name: evaluator_R Description: name of the evaluator recording how much of each AIS placed was removed during the inepction process and recorded the water decontaminations using a thermal imager F. Name: evaluator_O Description: name of the evaluator recording where participants were looking and touching on the boat even if an AIS had not been placed in that locaiton G. Name: date Description: date (MM/DD/YYY) that the AIS removal process took place H. Name: time Description: start time for the AIS removal process I. Name: inspection_duration Description: duration (HH:MM:SS) of a participants hand inspection step J. Name: decon_duration Description:duration (HH:MM:SS) of a decontaminators water decontamination step K. Name: video_number Description: Unique identifying number associated with a video captured using a thermal imager for a decontaminators water decontamination processs L. Name: prep_duration Description: duration (HH:MM:SS) of a decontaminators water decontamination preparation step M. Name: total_duration Description: duration (HH:MM:SS) of a participants entire experimental AIS removal trial (for decontaminators this included: inspection+prep+decontamination) N. Name: participant_type Description: the type of participant that completed an experimental AIS removal trial; three participant types were recruited for this study (boaters, inspectors, decontaminators) to represent the effectiveness of the three prevention techniques in question (boater education, watercraft inspection, hot water decontamination) O. Name: age Description: age of a participant that completed an experimental AIS removal trial P. Name: prop_p Description: binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the boat motor propeller (1=removed, 0=not removed) Q. Name: frame_p Description:binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the boat trailer frame (1=removed, 0=not removed) R. Name: anchor_p Description: binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the boat anchor (1=removed, 0=not removed) S. Name: roller_p Description: binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the trailer roller(1=removed, 0=not removed) T. Name: intake_p Description: binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the boat motor's water intake valve (1=removed, 0=not removed) U. Name: hull_p Description: binary removal ranking for the plant placed on the boat hull (1=removed, 0=not removed) V. Name: rod_swf Description: binary removal ranking for the spiny water fleas placed on the last eyelet of the fishing rod (1=removed, 0=not removed) W. Name: motor_zm Description:binary removal ranking for the zebra mussel shells placed on the boat motor mount(1=removed, 0=not removed) X. Name: strake_zm Description: binary removal ranking for the zebra mussel shells placed on the boat hull strake(1=removed, 0=not removed) Y. Name: bucket_wt Description: binary removal ranking for the residual water placed in the bait bucket (1=removed, 0=not removed) Z. Name: percent_removed Description: percent of AIS removed from the boat during an experimental AIS removal trial (0-100%) AA. Name: axle_s Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AB. Name: frame_s Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer frame on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AC. Name: hull_s Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat hull on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AD. Name: rollers_s Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer rollers on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AE. Name: wheels_s Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer wheels on the starboard side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AF. Name: spare_tire Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the spare tire on the boat trailer (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AG. Name: winch Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer winch (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AH. Name: bow_line Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the bow line/rope (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AI. Name: axle_p Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AJ. Name: frame_p Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer frame on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AK. Name: hull_p Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat hull on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AL. Name: rollers_p Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer rollers on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AM. Name: wheels_p Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer wheels on the port side of the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AN. Name: floor Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat interior floor (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AO. Name: anchor Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat anchor (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AP. Name: fishing_rod Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the fishing rod inside the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AQ. Name: bait_bucket Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the bait bucket inside the boat (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AR. Name: transom_well Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat transom well(O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AS. Name: compartments Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat's interior compartments (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AT. Name: intake_valve Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor's water intake valve (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AU. Name: drain_plug Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boats drain plug (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AV. Name: motor_mount Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boats motor mount (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AW. Name: transducer Description:action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the boat's transducer (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AX. Name: propeller Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor propeller (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AY. Name: lower_unit Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the boat motor lower unit (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) AZ. Name: lights_wiring Description: action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailers lights and wiring underneath the wheel cover (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) BA. Name: tow_rope Description:action that a participant took during thier experimental AIS removal trial pertaining to the trailer axle on the tow rope (O=overlooked, Q=looked quickly, C=looked closely, T=touched) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: scenarios.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 17 2. Number of cases/rows: 39 3. Variable List A. Name: scenario Description: ID for each scenario that was run through the Intervention Impact tab on the AIS Explorer dashboard (!/interventions). B. Name: case Description:Whether or not the interventions were applied to the scenario being ran or if nothing was applied (int = interventions were applied, null = no interventions were applied) C. Name: spending_scenario Description: Identifying numeric character for each of the four spending regimes evaluated. (1 = $505559.07 spent in total, $379,188.41 spent on inspections, $101,090.71 spent on decontaminations, $25,279.95 spent on boater education and $0.00 of the total not spent; 2 = $381,402,70 spent in total, $252,774.30 spent on inspections, $0.00 spent on decontaminations, $128,628.40 spent on boater education and $124,192.30 of the total not spent; 3 = $432,843.45 spent in total, $202,225.79 spent on inspections, $101,090.71 spent on decontaminations, $128,628.40 spent on boater education, and $72,751.50 of the total not spent; 0 = $0.00 spent in total, $0.00 spent on inspections, $0.00 spent on decontaminations, $0.00 spent on boater education, and $0.00 of the total not spent) D. Name: effort_scenario Description: Identifying letter for each of the four effort percentages applied and evaluated using the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard E. Name: total_spent Description: The total amount of money available to be spent on all interventions in each scenario F. Name: amt_insp Description: The amount of money spent on watercraft inspection in each scenario G. Name: amt_decon Description: The amount of money spent on hot water decontamination in each scenario H. Name: case amt_educ Description: The amount of money spent on boater education and outreach in each scenario I. Name: leftover_amt Description: The amount of money not spent on interventions out of the total amount available to be spent in column E J. Name: infestations averted Description: The number of invasive species infestations averted according to the intervention scenario applied and run through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. K. Name: AIS_type Description: The type of invasive species infestation being averted (zm = zebra mussel, ss = starry stonewort) L. Name: infestations Description: The amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if the scenario's interventions were applied. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. M. Name: upper_CI Description: The upper confidence interval of the estimate of the amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if scenario's interventions were applied. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. N. Name: lower_CI Description: The lower confidence interval of the estimate of the amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if the scenario's interventions were applied. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. O. Name: infavert_avgnull Description:The amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if no interventions were applied in each scenario. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. P. Name: upperCI_infavert Description:The upper confidence interval of the estimate of the amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if no interventions were applied in each scenario. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. Q. Name: lowerCI_infavert Description:The lower confidence interval of the estimate of the amount of invasive species infestations predicted to happen if no interventions were applied in each scenario. This value was obtained after running the scenario through the AIS Explorer Intervention Impact dashboard. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 2019-2021_countyspending_allcounties.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 187 3. Variable List A. Name: County Description: Identifying names of MN counties B. Name: spent Description: The amount of money spent by a county on AIS prevention measures C. Name: saved Description: The amount of money not spent out of the total amount allocated to a county (column D) in a given year (column E) D. Name: allocated Description: The amount of money allocated to a county by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to be spent on AIS prevention work E. Name: year Description: The year funds were allocated to counties ----------------------------------------- REFERENCES ----------------------------------------- 1. R Core Team (2023). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL 2. 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