What are we learning from the gamma-ray sky? William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute Workshop, 2013
Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/158162
October 10-12, 2013
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Item COLD DARK MATTER HALO CONCENTRATIONS and their implica(2013-11-25) Sanchez-conde, MiguelItem Fermi bubble excess from Higgs portal(2013-11-25) Seto, OsamuItem Overview of Galactic Searches for Dark Matter(2013-11-25) Strigari, LouisItem Z’ and Dark Matter(2013-11-25) Mambrini, YannItem Constraints to the Extragalactic Background Light from Gamma Ray observations(2013-11-25) Krennrich, FrankItem Galactic Sources of VHE Gamma-rays(2013-11-25) Holder, JamieItem The GeV-TeV Galactic gamma-ray diffuse emission Uncertainties from cosmic ray propagation(2013-11-25) Salati, PierreItem Galactic Sources of VHE Gamma-rays(2013-11-06) Holder, JamieItem The Gamma-Ray Bright Future: The HAWC Perspective(2013-11-04) Hui, MichelleItem Gamma-Ray (Limits) and the physics of intracluster plasmas(2013-10-17) Rudnick, LawrenceItem The measurement of the expansion rate of the Universe from gamma-ray attenuation(2013-10-15) Alberto, DominguezItem THE GAMMA-RAY BRIGHT FUTURE: THE CTA PERSPECTIVE(2013-10-14) Mazin, DItem The FERMI Diffuse Gamma-Ray Sky in Comparison with Galactic Models with and without Dark Matter(2013-10-14) de Boer, WimItem Prospects of EBL and cosmology constraints with CTA(2013-10-14) Mazin, DanielItem The Plasma Physics and Cosmological Impact of TeV Blazars(2013-10-14) Change, PhilipItem Dark Matter Searches with the MAGIC Telescopes(2013-10-14) Rico, JavierItem Opacity of the Universe for VHE gamma-rays in the presence of axion-like particles(2013-10-14) Meyer, ManuelItem Update on the Two “Smoking Gun" Fermi LAT Searches for Dark Matter- Milky Way Dwarfs and Lines(2013-10-14) Bloom, ElliottItem Indirect search for dark matter Theoretical aspects and VERITAS results(2013-10-14) Pohl, MartinItem The Measurement of the Expansion Rate of the Universe from γ-ray Attenuation*(2013-10-14) Domínguez, Alberto