/pub2/m-85_86/readme.txt Minnesota Geological Survey updated: 1999/05/14. Digital data accompanying Miscellaneous Map M-85: Bedrock geologic map of the Virginia Horn, Mesabi Iron Range, St.Louis County, Minnesota. Jirsa, Boerboom, and Morey. 1998. 1:48,000. and Miscellaneous Map M-86; Bedrock geologic map of the Midway area, St.Louis County, Minnesota. M.A.Jirsa. 1998. 1:12,000 The digital data associated with M-85 and M-86are available for download in a compressed tar file in the /unix directory below this location. Included in the tar file are Arc/Info export files, geologic data files, and postscript versions of the printed maps, as well as a textfile "index.txt" which describes all included files. A dos/Windows-compatible version of the data included in the tar file described above is available as a self-extracting zip file (m-8586.exe) in the /dos directory below this location. Inquiries for additional information on the digital data should be directed to Tim Wahl [(612) 627-4780; tewahl@umn.edu]. Questions concerning the geologic aspects of this study should be directed to Mark Jirsa [(612) 627-4780ex.208 ; jirsa001@umn.edu ].