Iyer, Shyam2012-05-152012-05-152012-04-18https://hdl.handle.net/11299/123505Mentor: Kenneth LeopoldHaving previously found the structure of pyridine-CO2 in our lab, determining the structure of pyridine-CS2 was a problem of immediate interest. CO2 and CS2 have opposite quadrupole moments, making the structures of the two complexes different. While scanning for rotation transitions using Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy, several unassigned J 3->4 transitions were found around the 4 GHz region, which indicated a significantly different preliminary structure than the predicted linear geometry. The appearance of the spectrum suggests that the complex may have a dipole moment along the b-inertial axis.en-USChemical Engineering and Materials ScienceDepartment of ChemistryCollege of Science and EngineeringMicrowave Spectroscopy of Pyridine-CS2Presentation