Fuentes, Victor C.2010-07-082010-07-081971-05Fuentes, Victor C. 1971. Soil Matric Suction Changes With Time in Pressed Soil Briquettes. Water Resources Research Center.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/91786Soil metric suctions were measured with time in soil samples in which the water content was varied in a series to obtain information on the processes occurring as stable structural units develop during aging. Soil metric suctions of Clarion loam surface soil were measured by tensiometers. It is concluded that water stability of synthetic soil aggregates increase with time. At flow water contents (0 < 0.258 g/g) there was a rapid decrease in soil metric suction with time after pressing that indicates an increase in the free energy state of water in the system. At higher water contents the rate of decrease in metric suction was smaller. At 0w = 0.258 g/g suction remained constant with time. At water contents over 0.258 g/g soil metric suction increased with time.en-USsoil stabilitysoil aggregatestensiometersclayminnesotaloammoistureagingcationsoil watercolloidalSoil Matric Suction Changes With Time in Pressed Soil BriquettesNewsletter or Bulletin