Walker, Orville C.Goldstein, PriscellaRudelius, William2019-09-202019-09-201974M1000https://hdl.handle.net/11299/207821Results are presented from a 1974 survey conducted among minority groups in the community as to how television can serve their needs. Those surveyed were: elderly on fixed incomes, hard of hearing, mental health patients, women prisoners, teenage expectant mothers, runaway teenagers, V.D. victims, American Indians, black teenage girls, Asians, disabled, and nuns.enAmerican IndiansAsiansBlackscommunicationsdisadvantagedlow-income groupsMinneapolisminoritiesNative AmericansSt PaultelevisionTwin CitiesVoiceless Groups in the Twin Cities Community: Programming Needs of Some of Public Television's Non-Audiences.Report