Lysak, Robert LWaters, ColinSciffer, Murray2020-04-132020-04-132020-04-13 source code for numerical modeling of ULF waves in the magnetosphereThis code allows for the modeling of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. It has been used in a number of publications and presentations at conferences. It takes a prescribed driver in the form of a compression at the outer boundary and follows the propagation of the waves through the magnetosphere and to the ground. The output consists of files each containing snapshots of one component of the electromagnetic field at all points in the simulation volume at an instant of time, in addition to files containing background information such as the Alfven speed profile throughout the simulation.CC0 1.0 Universal WavesQuarter Wave ModesMagnetoseismologyMagnetosphere-Ionosphere CouplingFortran code for modeling the propagation of ULF waves in a 3-dimensional dipole magnetosphereDataset